26. I have no sorrow

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Alice went into the house throwing her heels off after a rough day she had at work. Even though in the morning she had been thinking that she has to settle on only a few appointments and finish her last report it turned out that she had more work to do than she could even imagine.

Once she walked deeper into the kitchen and smelled the food, she assumed, FP prepared to cut the tension between them, she felt nauseous again. Wanting to avoid talking with him, she quietly tried to make her way upstairs.

"Are you pretending, that you are still mad at me, Smith?" FP said teasingly standing behind her stopping her by placing his hands on her waist. Pulling her closer to his body, he brushed her hair away from her neck and started to kiss her sensitive skin.

Even though they had a lot to discuss and she was still mad at him, Alice couldn't resist feeling his warm lips leaving a small love marks on her neck. With her eyes closed, she reached back and brushed her finger through his hair slowly stroking his short dark curls.

"As much as I enjoy feeling you so close, maybe we should eat something before we will move to the dessert?" He slightly mumbled between kisses running his right hand towards her ass to squeeze it gently.

Alice could feel how sexually frustrated he was. He wanted to focus on Alice's needs making her feel like a goddess and to apologize to her properly after their last fight, but also needed to fulfill his needs. Even though the thought of them being alone in the house was turning both of them on, Alice didn't want to forgive him that easily.

"I've already eaten at work. I will take a shower and go to bed." She breathed out not wanting to be under his spell anymore. To be honest, she didn't eat at all that day, just drinking some water, but she wasn't hungry at all.

She turned to face FP once he stopped teasing her. She could see the confusion in his eyes. When she was about to open her mouth to thank him for his work and efforts, her phone rang and he let her go, to answer the call.

"This is Alice Smith you are speaking with." She said confidently while squeezing FP's hands as he was worriedly looking at her. In the beginning, she seemed upset, but he breathed a sigh of relief once he saw her smiling brightly.

"Thank you, I will be there tomorrow." She hanged up and couldn't help the tears filling her ocean blue eyes. FP was still standing holding her hand in his looking at her with confusion.

"That was Polly's doctor. I'm allowed to take Polly out of that facility for one day. It's the first bigger step for her to finally start her new life." Alice said smiling like a fool with her tears streaming down her cheeks. FP wiped her tears away placing a soft kiss on her lips just before she went upstairs to finally take a shower.

He sighed deeply not knowing what to think about it. FP knew that Polly would still have a lot of sorrow for him and he couldn't blame her. He couldn't deny that he was the one who helped covered Jason's murder.

Being honest with himself, he had to admit, that the thought of meeting with Polly was scaring him a little bit because he didn't know how would she react to him and Alice living under the same roof and sharing one bed. He would want to make things right between them but also understood she could need a little more time to adjust.

Once he had finished his dinner and put all of the dishes into the dishwasher, he turned the lights off and went upstairs. When getting into the bedroom he saw Alice, who was already lying in the bed with her glasses on reading the book.

FP quickly closed the door smirking to himself. Climbing onto the bed he started to tease her running his hands on her inner thighs. She looked at him teasingly closing her book and putting it on her nightstand.

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