Horror Movies

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I really didn't want to be Holly's little doll. We got invited to a party and Holly being Holly well she was a problem for being perfect. She curled my hair, did my makeup, and picked up a little black dress for me to wear. When she was done the person in the reflection looked stunning. It looked close to what I look like. She looked like she can date someone without getting cheated on. That brought me back to reality, my ex cheated on me with the rich girl that lives where she doesn't have to work for things.

"Lucy how do you like it, I lost you for a minute there." Holly I forgot about her.

"It looks fine, sorry the past got me there I'm okay Hol." But I wasn't, I'm never fine or okay. Then what Holly said next sent shivers down my spine.

"Wait till Lockwood sees you, he'll freak."

"By asking where Lucy is or the scarieness?" A smile managed to creep up on my face. She just gave that look teachers give when you're late for class.

"Really Luce stop doubting  yourself." Like I can stop douting myself, sometimes I hate myself for dumb sh*#.

There was a knock at my door. I asked who it was and Lockwood did one of his stupid 'funny' voices.

"It is I, the one who lives by the landing and likes to read gossip magazines, do you know who I am?" He was so annoying from time to time.

"Can I come in?" 

"NO" I said too urgent and panicky.

"Okay Luce...just asking, don't have to yell."

"Sorry, didn't mean to yell."

******************************************Time skip******************************************

We got to the party and it was the opposite of what we all had in mind. So, we all dressed in nice clothes you would wear to a dinner party. People were wearing jeans and t-shirts and there were drunk people all over the place.

"Is this the right address?" I asked George who seemed unsure. Wait, we were all unsure.

"Um sir, is this 578 W. Songbird Ave?" George asked, not sure if this person will be helpful.

"No dudes this Smurf Village." Well that was not helpful at all. Lockwood got his phone out and a few seconds later.

"We are at the right address. Who wants to go home and watch horror movies?" Okay this was the best night ever. We all yelled 'Yes' and went home. We all got into our pj's and went down stairs.  Lockwood was wearing sweats and a black shirt. George was wearing blue pants and a blue shirt. Holly and I were the misfits. Holly, a sweatshirt and jeans very unlike her and I was a different story; a tank top and boxers that I stole from one of the boys. Horror Movie time!!!!

"Who wants to pick the movie?" Lockwood asked. 

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