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My mum saw us and came over and she was holding a baby. I wonder who's baby it was. She yelled at them to seize fire, then Mary shot Jake in the face. He flipped her off then she mad a threat.

" I will take that burning oil and pour it down and shove up you'r as-"

"I VOUNTEER!!!!!!" Linda screeched.

" NO stop this madness!!" Max yelled clearly scared.

So I stepped in." So stop the whole family, is that what you'r saying?" He started to talk then he yelled my name then ran over to me. He gave me the biggest hug ever. Then Mary got me with water and got Lockwood, Max, and I soaking wet. Then the biggest a$$hole started to talk. Jake, eww.

"Hey, luc-"


"I wa-"

"Can someone get me a apple?"

All at the same time they all said well yelled at me. "NO AND YOU'R PUNCHING PEOPLE EITHER!!!!!!!" Lockwood looked at me and raised a eyebrow and you can see the question in his face.

Jake looked so scared well.... to be fair I did punch  him in the face and broke his nose. Then Lockwood asked a question he wished didn't. let's just say that Mary is a well known loud mouth.

" Why did you guys say 'and no punching people'?" 

Then Mary said..." You don't know, she's killed a person with an apple." Than when my hand met my forehead. If I wanted people to know I would have told they. Mrs. Loud Mouth Mary should be her new name.

"Can we change the topic, guys?" I feeling a little uncomfortable wait I was bloody hell nervous. 

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