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We went through two tubs of ice cream by the time the movie ended. Holly had to go home to her girlfriend, which I was the only who knew. We are all half asleep except for George he screamed at like every part were it showed the killer or two people making out. When we got up and started for the door Lockwood and George noticed what I was wearing, great.

"Are those boxers?" They asked at similar times.

"Yeah, why?"

"Where did you get them?" Lockwood asked. I'm tired and annoyed.

"The laundry, why?"

"What size are they?"

"I don't know, let me check ." I twisted the back to the front without moving my legs. I checked the tag, they were probably Lockwood's.

"Size medium."

"They were mine." Yep, they were Lockwood's as I figured. We all went to bed. I almost fell asleep when walking up the stairs.     

I woke up at seven and walked down the stairs where I heard Lockwood and George talking. I stood on the stairs eavesdropping on them.

"Well I do like her sometimes she can a little edgy because of her a-"

"Well you should tell her that you like her and start dating if she likes you too."

"If she likes me back what if I ask her out and she says no."

"Dude a lot of girls like you and would die if you dated them."

"But it's not the same I don't like them I like her not them."

"If she likes you back she will get jealous." 

"Get jealous...of what?"

"You dating someone of course."

"I don't think I would like dating someone I'm not into, George."

"Fine, Lockwood."

I got up and started to walk to the kitchen they must have heard because they stopped talking. When I walked into the kitchen Lockwood's face was so red but his skin is so pale so he looked like a boy with his head on fire. George was looking at a newspaper then looked up.

"Morning Luce, how did you sleep?"

"Why are you guys acting so weird?" I was acting like I heard nothing and had no clue why Lockwood was so red.

"Well, Holly is coming over in a few minutes so lets go get dressed." Lockwood said walking to the door. So we all went upstairs to our rooms. After we got dressed Holly was already here talking to Flo. Flo snuck in again.

"Why hello nothing at the Thames, checked last night normally there is one source in there." Looks like Flo found nothing to sell at the next black-market.   

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