Hot Sauce

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" You like hot sauce?" Lockwood asked.

" No I love it. I can eat  a ghost pepper with out the seeds. I love spicy foods, that's why I like thai food so much." He looked surprised, mabye because he's never seen me eat spicy food before.

" You eat spicy food?"

" Not just me... my whole family does. Mary had a ulcer when she was five, so that tells you how much we eat spicy foods." I could tell he was about to talk, but as he opened his mouth the guy brought us chips and hot sauce. This was going to be great to watch Lockwood's face when he tries it, his face will be priceless.

" Enjoy folks." Then the guy left. I took a chip and drowned it in hot sauce. And I shoved it in my mouth. No tears came to my face , my cheeks didn't go red. I just acted normal well I'm not normal so I acted like myself. Than I saw Lockwood dip a chip in the sauce not too much but not a speck. He put it in his mouth and his eyes went wide and his cheeks red. I knew it would be priceless. Than he spoke I could tell his throut was burning.

" How can you eat that with out burning you'r throut?" Instead of answering him I chuckled a little.

" What?"

" Nothing.... here have some water." I packed like a hundred water bottles because it's bloody hot outside and in the train. He drank the whole bottle within seconds. Dang either it's super hot to other people or he was thirsty.

"Sorry and thank you for the water I felt like I was being burned from the inside out."

" You'r welcome and it's okay I have like a hundred water bottles with me." 

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