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It was around an hour later when we arrived to the station. Like the other one it was super crowded. I heard a loud scream behinde me, oh on. I turned around and saw Mary push people out of the way to me, I could tell she pissed a few people off. Because a couple were now crusing at her, she didn't say sorry to the couple.. she just kept running. When she got to us she was out of breath and waved at us.

" Hi Lucy I'm so happy that you are here, who's that?"  Time for him to meet my crazy family here we go.

" Mary that is Lockwood, my friend that I made come." Well not really I didn't make him do anything.

Then Mary looked back and forth at us for a minute then said the most embarrassing thing ever. "Are you sure wait like the Lockwood from the letters that you write about...." Then Linda came and started yelling at  Mary.

" You left me talking to people and they would not shut up, I hate you so much!!!" I personally think the first imperetion he has of Linda is awesome. 

After we got our bags and started walking to my old childhood house. Mary decided to tell more embarrassing stuff about me, just great. I think Lockwood could see me trying not to srangle  Mary because of what she was saying. Then we walked up to a motel, then Mary said the greatest thing I heard come out of her mouth all day. Thank god.

" You guys will be staying here because the house is full and it's probably the most space you can get from us." I sighed when she was done  cause it looked like haven. We went into the motel and found our room. It had two beds, a small desk, a tiny kitchen, and a bathroom. This place was haven. Sister free, mum free, and most of all..... NO CRAZINESS. Well except for Lockwood and I. After we set our bags and used the bathroom, we started to walk to my mum's house.

We walked in complete silence, once the we could see the house we could also hear it. We heard girly screams and yelling. Lockwood gave me a terrifed   look and I looked back and forth at Lockwood then the house.

" Is it always like that people screaming and yelling?"

" Yah, like I said crazy family." Once we could see what was going on, I saw Jake and wanted to turn around and walk away for real. Jake is short for Jacobs, I still hate him the only thing that is making me to continue to walk is Lockwood. If he wasn't here I would just walk back... then a yell cut though the air.

" You sick little sh-"

" No crusing aroung the little kids, Mary Ann Carlyle!!!!" My mum calls from the poruch. They were all in there swimsuits. Squriting each other with water guns. Looked like Linda had a wet suit on and hot oil in the gun instead of water. Looks like the Carlyle tradition is here, but no one wants to be shot with hot oil. Now I know why Mary was yelling. Linda shot her. Shot her in the shoulder.

" Pay back mother fu-"

" What did I just say to you'r sister Linda. NO CRUSING AROUN THE LITTLE KIDS. You understand me!!" Then when we finally go there Max my cousin, was useing Chole as a shild because who ever gets Chole even on accdient she wil end you.

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