Creepy Doll

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After they all introduced themselves to Lockwood, I swear I saw Jess try to flirt with him. Because when Jess flirts it's so strange that even a visitor would ask what the hell is going on. Max asked Chole if she was having a reaction to something she had earlier, she just chuckled. But, I guess he meant it then she  gave him a worried look and checked his forehead.

It was 7:45 when we had dinner. Lockwood stayed clear of the spicy food and I was taunting him about what happened on the train. H e told me to shut the hell up a couple times. Mary sat by us when we ate, cause we are in our own worlds all the time. When we were done eating we went inside. Then  Jackie had the worst idea.

" Lucy you should go though you'r room to find so old memories in there." Nope didn't want to then...

" Don't go in you'r closet because, remember that creepy doll you used to have? It's a source and the girl that it's tied to is so creepy looking, she looks like the doll itself." What?

"How do you know that?" I'm kind of scared of her response.

" Oh we were doing a challenge, who can stay in the closet the longest. I got last pick well because I suck at hide and seek the first one found. I got you'r old room cause they also know how creepy that doll is. I saw the outline of the ghost and it didn't move at all, just stared at me. I had a creepy doll ghost staring at me for hours." I'm a little better by her response now, but still scared.  

Lockwood and I went though my old room we found some weird sh*# in there. 

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