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"Morning Flo, morning Holly." I said tiredly, I regret waking up at seven. I really did, I hate waking up early. But when we get off cases I go straight to bed on normal nights I go to bed at like 10 pm so I complain. 

" Found nothing in the Thames last night." Flo said sadly.

"You found nothing, strange." Lockwood  clearly confused.

Holly began to talk oh no. "There was mail in the mail-box, I checked it before I came in. Cause I figured you guys didn't check it yet. Luce there is something for you in here, the address is 48 Old Road out in the country side. Who do you know who lives there?"

And oh no was correct. That was my mums address, my old address. Than I asked the stupidest question on earth. " What's the name on the envelope say?" Again stupid.

"Harley B. Carlyle." Crap that is my mum. No.. no.. no.. it's my mum.

" Who is that, lucy?" No, now Lockwood was talking. My brain is hurting by people talking.

" My mum." I said. I want to die now.

Human version  of a headache talking, well great. " Well open it up and see what is says." No I was going to throw it in the trash. Well give me time to open it, jeez Holly. I opened it and begun to read it out loud so they can hear what it says, because I know Holly will ask me what it said later. So it was easier  to just read it out loud. "I'm going to read it out loud okay. 'Dear Lucy, We are having a family reunion, you can come or not we just want to see you again. The date is June 13th.You can bring a friend with you if you want, to make you more comfy because you haven't seen us in a long time. Or bring you'r boyfriend if you have one, not jugging you if you don't. Just please come here and see you'r family for once. Please Lucy Ocuy, please come. And if you come here are some rules.

1.No cursing when you are around you'r sisters.

                                        Love, Mum xoxox'"

I hated that nick name so much, I forgot about until she used in that LETTER. Plus my voice got to a whisper when the boyfriend part came up. This is why I hate my family and people. Because people are always in you'r bee's wax and personal life, uhg I hate people. Than Lockwood said something that want me to scream so loud.

" You have time off luce ." Nooooo the worst thing ever. Wait I have the perfect idea..........

"Lockwood how would you like to meet my crazy family?" Yes this is pay back because he gave me time off, ha.

" I would love to meet the Carlyle family.!" Okay did he just say 'love to meet' my family.MY FAMILY. Mine really did I hear that correctly, if I did I'm in big trouble.  

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