Couple Trip

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Today is Friday, tomorrow is my 1st year anniversary with Peter. To celebrate we decided to take a short trip, from Friday night to Sunday at lunchtime. My father didn't like the idea at first, but Margot and Trina ended up convincing him, and I actually think he thinks Peter and I already had sex.

After school I go home in a hurry. I take a quick shower, grab my suitcase and a bag of muffins I made for us to eat on the way. 

Peter shows up with the car in front of the house, I say goodbye to everyone and sit in the passenger seat.

- I can hardly believe we're going to travel alone. - he says.

- Me neither.

- The two of us, alone ... - I already know what he's getting at.

- Yes...

- Do you think that maybe, I don't know, maybe we ...

- Have sex? Finally? - I say, on impulse.

- I didn't mean it that way, but yes.

- It could happen, who knows?

- I don't want you to feel pressured. - he says.

- I am not. I'm ready. Remember?

- Of course I remember.

When we arrive at the hotel, each one goes to their own room (my father demanded that we stay in separate rooms), and we met fifteen minutes later in the common area.

We went out to dinner in a fancy restaurant with Mediterranean food. Peter asks if I want champagne, but I order red fruit juice. After dinner Peter says goodbye to me and goes to his room. I know he's doing this because he wants to give me space to decide if I'm going to break my dad's rules, but I don't say anything and go to my room.

About fifteen minutes later, I decide to face reality: I don't want to be in my room, I want to be with Peter. I don't have to pretend to be a pure and untouchable angel when I am not, not anymore. When I'm up to my bedroom door to go out I hear someone knock on the door. I open it and it's Peter.

"I was about to go out to meet you," I said.

- I imagined it. - he replies, and gives me a kiss next.

We go hand in hand to his room, which is at the end of the corridor. Peter opens the door and I go in first. I can't believe what I see inside.

His room is not as simple as mine. The bed is a double, the bedroom has a balcony and a bathtub. Peter filled the tub and put on a slow song to play. There are two glasses and a bottle of champagne on the sideboard, and the view from the balcony is wonderful.

- I booked for both of us. - he says, shy.

- I loved it, I love you, Peter Kavinsky.

- I love you too Lara Jean.

At that moment, I had no doubts about what I wanted, I had no fear or uncertainty. I just knew.

To All The Boys I've Loved Before - Lara Jean's First TimeWhere stories live. Discover now