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"Today, we have such great news coming from The CEO of Lucifer a Entertainment. CEO Woo had came out and told us that him and Ji-Sua are officially engaged. From previous scandals undergoing with debuting the female early with no explanation with her on leaving before her debute leaves everyone to question who she really was. Other words. he had admitted to tell the real truth behind all of these rumors and will give you an absolute answer from all of this. Let's take a look"

"I have been hiding such story to all my supporters and followers for a very long time, I want you all to please look over us and support us no matter what. Many are in need of answers and I will all tell you all eventually and that day has come. Kwon Ji-Sua is my lover who I have loved for a very long time, the reason of her sudden debut was she was undergoing as a trainee for over more than 5 years, sadly due to her health condition , she have a rare case of memory loss, everyday she wakes up and does not remember a thing and for me to tell her every day her identity made me wrench with pain"

"Memory loss?" Ji-Sua snorted as Ma Wang bickered to himself at his dramatic encounter of his act.

Ji-Sua was quite fascinated at how good he can put up a show that she wasn't even bothered. She had a lot of hate messages and bad reputation dud to her easy way of becoming a idol but Ma Wang had done all the work and risk it all just for her which she was happy to have him in her life.

"If you have someone you love as much as I love Kwon Ji-Sua, would you do the exact same thing? Would you do anything for the person you love? Even in my death bed, I have given a second chance to be by her side no matter what. Thank you"

The speech of Ma Wang made Ji-Sua mind wandered towards O-Gong. Everything always had her mind wandering towards O-Gong, love was something so strange that can get someone to feel so much and you just don't understand it half of the time. Ji-Sua wanted to tell him she was insanely in love with The Great Sage, it hurts badly and it was very complicated to explain.

"I was thinking, we should marry on the beach. Everything will be specifically modeled by your taste, I want us to invite everyone including to my supporters- actually our supporter to join. We would have high security so I will make sure we will not be disturbed." Ma Wang said. "It can be a fairytail!"

"That would be great, Ma Wang. I love it." She muttered as she forced a smile on her face for The Bull King.

"Don't worry, this is not for me Ji-Sua. It's for you to save that nut job. I like the Nut job, he's a brother too me. I wouldn't want him to die either so we are helping one another, okay?" Ma Wang insured her so she wouldn't feel any type of way.

The Great Sage had caught the glimpse of the news, fire was burning through his veins when he heard the announcement on the news. He wanted to confirm thing, he wanted to hear it for himself and confront Ma Wang . Heading his way back home he had caught Ma Wang heading back home , his fist tighten as he called out for the other.

"Cow! Stop it right there!"

Ma Wang heard The Monkey King  walked over towards him, making The Bull King face The Monkey King with his random outburst .

"Ah, are you here to give me a wedding gift?" Ma Wang said sarcastically which made O-Gong pissed.

"Ah, are you here to give me a wedding gift?" Ma Wang said sarcastically which made O-Gong pissed

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"You know, Ji-Sua and I have a special bond. I love her and she loves me and now that she's going to be my wife, were going to have a future and have children"

"You can't marry her!" O-Gong warned making Ma Wang raised his eyebrows at his rejection.

"Hah! You're very funny Son O-Gong. You can't stop me, good news is you're invited though. Your best friend wants you there to support her" Ma Wang chuckled ,leaving O-Gong outside astounded as he brushed his self past O-Gong to enter his home.

"You can't marry her" O-Gong said among himself as he wrench with sorrow . O-Gong had a mission, that mission was too stop Ji-Sua and for her to back out from marrying Ma Wang.

Before O-Gong could reach towards Ji-Sua
home, he witnessed her body laying just outside her home. She was lifeless, her face looked pale as if she was about to die. Rushing towards her side, he held her inside his arms as he had a whiff of alcohol from her

"Son O-Gong. I don't know what's happening too me" she muttered, her skin was ice cold and her face was getting getting pale. She had started to look like Bu Ja who was slowly decaying which was a scariest sight to see.

Ji-Sua heart was racing, her world seemed fuzzy and she didn't understand what was happening . She thought alcohol could help numb the feeling but the effect was not working anymore.

"Ji-Sua! Stay awake! Stay awake!" O-Gong scooped her in his hand and immediately took her to the peddler

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"Ji-Sua! Stay awake! Stay awake!" O-Gong scooped her in his hand and immediately took her to the peddler. It was late and the shop was closed , that didn't stop O-Gong at all knowing The Peddlers grandson was up playing with his game. "Open up! Open up now or I'll destroy this whole place!"

The Peddler grandson rolled his eyes and got up to see the commotion , unlocking the front door to see the panicking Monkey King and a lifeless woman he had stepped aside for him to enter.He had never seen The Monkey King be so frightened not even when he was with Jin Seon-Mi. Whoever this girl was she must be someone very important him.

Once O-Gong laid Ji-Sua down on the counter, The Peddler observed the woman up and down before smiling widely to himself.

'Hey! It's The fairy! How did she get herself in such bad shape?" He thought to himself, using his energy it had backfired him making him shake from shock.

"Her energy is blocked?"

"Blocked? How is it blocked" O-Gong said in annoyance, shoving the kid away O-Gong decided to check her himself and surprisingly her energy did backfire him.

"Something must of overpower her spiritual power by the looks of it, it's taking her life slowly. You need to find out whats the cause of this or it can kill her "

O-Gong was determined to find out, whomever it was will not be forgiven . The peddler tried searching for some potions for her to take but none of them matches her descriptions.

"I can't find anything for her pain, I'm sorry" he said with shame , watching O-Gong grasps on to the fairy's hand. "I will will advise you for her to rest, don't let her do anything that could drain her. That's all I can do"

"She will be okay, she will get better soon" O-Gong said, his eyes turned red in anger as he swore to it. "She will"

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