The Past*

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A/N: To celebrate 22k reads in 2022, I'm going back to edit this fanfiction, a lot of it will be fixing spelling errors and making sentences easier to read, but I have decided that I will also change a lot of other aspects of the story, such as characterisations and interactions in order to improve the story. The main plot points will remain the same (at least at this point lol, may change my mind in the future). All the chapters that I have rewritten will have a * in the title, mainly so I know where I'm up to, but also so you guys know as well so that its not a shock when quality just absolutely plummets. Anyway thanks everyone for reading, I means a lot, especially because I love these stories and these character so much and I'm glad that others are getting joy out of it too. Now begins the story:

A pang of pain resonated through my head, forcing me to open my eyes to see a soft light bleeding from candles  suspended in air before a cream ceiling . I attempted to mentally retrace my steps in order to remember got to be lying with my back to the floor in this strange place,  but all that I could seem to find in my latest memories was just me eating an average dinner and walking upstairs to my room and  then, nothing else. Nothing to note and definitely nothing that explained where I currently was. Through the memories however, I became aware of the clothes I could possibly be wearing. Quickly pulling myself off the floor, I looked down and to my horror, I was wearing the cheap T-shirts with a corny saying on the front and old, stained denim shorts from my memories. While being incredibly comfortable, it was equally if not more, daggy. They were clothes that I would never wear outside the parameters of my house for fear of death by embarrassment. However,  It was clear I wasn't in my house and the clothes were on, adding to the mystery. Now standing, I could feel the tickling soft carpet beneath my feet. The feeling confused me for a second, and I was once again filled with alarm  looked down. The carpet was revealed to a rich red colour, something that seem reserved for royalty and renascence cathedrals, but that didn't matter.  The look down once again revealed my fears. I was shoeless! I just wanted to lie back down on the ground and cease to exist. I looked like an absolute urchin! 

As if the situation could not have gotten worse, some talking and footsteps whispered from down the hallway, becoming louder as they readily approached.  As an act of self preservation, I scurried further down the hallway, as silent as possible, till I found a door. It was slightly ajar, offering a dark room which, without even a thought, I siezed as a hiding place. I stood just beside the door, the darkness hiding my unfavorable appearance as I attempted to eavesdrop on the approaching , hoping to get info on where I was and possibly even why I was here. 

 A gruff voice, clearly male became discernable. "have a good feeling about Gustave Daaé's girl." Gustave Daaé...where had I heard that name before? I definitely felt familiar, but I couldn't place exactly where I knew it.

But, before I could dwell on the name anymore, a more feminine, fatigued voice spoke up. "Ah yes, she does have quite a natural talent for singing, but we did not come to talk about her, did we?" I assumed the man shook his because after a pause she continued. "The Opera Ghost is pleased with the new Prima Donna, La Carlotta. However he is upset with the new conductor." I had to cover my mouth so I wouldn't gasp. That's where I had heard Gustave before! These are all people from the Phantom of the opera!

 "But he is the most renowned conductor in all of Paris!" I heard the man whine, leading me to tune out, realising that there was nothing really else that I could learn from them. I couldn't possibly be in Phantom of the opera! It was a musical! Well technically it was a book before a musical but still, It's a made up story. And set in the past never the less! I looked down at my clothes. If I was in 19th century Paris, I especially couldn't walk around dressed like this. I would probably be burnt as a witch or something!

I stood there for about 15 minutes trying to figure out what I should do, or what even I could do. The only course of action, however stupid it seemed to be, was to go see Erik/ the phantom. Since he is meant to be a genius, he might be able to  figure out how I got into a musical or the past or something. Granted, he might either not exist, or if he does exist, might kill me, but if he does kill me and if this is a dream, then I might wake up. I really was grasping at straws  and dealing with a lot of uncertainties but I had no better options. Enacting my plan by creeping around the opera house, I soon realised that it was really late at night and nobody was around, and was able to walk around normally. After seemingly an hour of wondering aimlessly around the place, I was able find the Prima Donna dressing room. It was deserted, which was incredibly lucky for me. With light slipping into the room from the corridor chandeliers, allowing the room to be lit enough to make out the mirror. Pretty much running it, I stopped before the shaddow me that appeared before me. I couldn't but admire the mirror, even in the dull light. It was by far the biggest, most expensive looking mirror I had ever seen, easily larger than twice the size of me and adorned by thick, dark gold frame, crawling with engraved flowers and vines.   It took me about 5 minutes of feeling to find a little button on the back of the mirror, which caused the door to slowly slide open. Had I not been from the 21st century and used to automatic doors, I probably would have been marveled and impressed by it. The tunnel revealed was a lot darker then the rest of the room which puzzled me a little. Surely the light didn't just decided to illuminate the mirror and not the tunnel despite them being in the same place? As I faced the dark abyss before me, I  began to doubt my plan would actually work. I figured that my plan would be a whole lot more successful, if I had some sort of light. So, scavenging the Prima Donna dressing room, I was able to find a lamp and matches on the vanity. Lighting the lamp, I began my descent.

I was only in the tunnels for less the 5 minutes before a rope attempted to snake around my neck. Thanks to the Musical, I already knew to have my hand at the level of my eye, so when the lasso attempted to tighten around my neck, I was able to grab it. I pulled on the rope, but the rope owner, which I made the pretty reasonable assumption was the the phantom, pulled back hard. After about our 2 second tug of war, I realised he was a lot stronger then me, so I quickly  changed tactics and pull the rope off over my head. It worked and I successfully got the rope off my neck.  I Quickly spun around to face my attacker, making sure my hand never left the rope. As I had guessed, my attacker was indeed the phantom of the opera, donning his trademark porcelain ivory mask. It was a strange seeing the real phantom after seeing so many of the men play him. He reminded me a lot of a greyhound. He had the incredibly skinny but somehow toned kind of body, a very tall stature, he was way over 6' and loomed over my 5'5" self. He also had quite a long face, sharp features and a strong jawline, based off the mask he wore. His eyes were the only thing unhidden by his mask, with not even an exception made for his mouth. The eyes were a colour reminiscent of amber, I made sure that I didn't stare at them, knowing the phantom to be sensitive, but that did not stop me from being perplexed by them in the safety of my own mind. Quickly regaining a sense of urgency, I decided to speak up before he found another way to try and kill me.
"Hey, um hi." I did not start off this conversation strongly. "Look, I know who you are, I mean no harm to you. I just need your help." I blabbed at a thousand words per second. I stopped and looked up at him and noticed that he was looking at my clothing, in particularly my legs, and the lack of clothing on them. My face went red and I became Instantly annoyed. My shorts weren't even that short, only slightly above the knee because I personally liked to cover up, but clearly this covering wasn't enough. After a while of looking at my legs, he noticed that I noticed him looking at my legs, instantly creating an intensely awkward environment.

 "What a curious girl you are my child." He finally said. I knew that he meant curious in the strange way, which is kinda offensive, plus he was one to talk! He literally lived in an underground sewer. I must admit, that he had a really good voice, even his talking voice sounded melodic. It was was a strong, warm and golden voice that somehow reminded me of cinnamon . "What is your name?" He questioned, tearing me away from my thoughts. 

"Alina, but I prefer people to just call me Nina." I replied, giving him the automatic response  for when asked what my name is.

"Alina, what on heaven and earth are you wearing?!" He boomed at me. I almost jumped out of my skin out of shock at the sudden escalation.

 " uhhhh, do you mind me talking in place a little more comfortable. The whole story is really long, but the short answer is that, where I'm from, this is perfectly normal and modest." I replied, trying to keep the same tone as I had before to hide how intimidated I was by him now. He looked at me strangely for a second but grabbed my wrist and commanded me to follow him. After a while of walking through the winding tunnels, we arrived at the lake and sure enough, the faithful gondola was there, and in the distance with a faint glow, was his lair.

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