The Finale

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"Phillippe?" I asked breathlessly as I recognised the figure standing in the doorway, shaking as he pointed a gun at Erik.
"Get away from her." Philippe told Erik, clearly trying to act courageous, but the cracks of his voice showed us otherwise.
"Phillippe. Put the gun down." I demanded.
"Get away from her." Phillippe repeated, looking straight at Erik. "I don't know what you've done to brain wash her, but I'm going to end this now."
"So that's your conclusion then? You couldn't bare to think that a woman would choose someone like me over a Count. Here's the thing, De Changy, I haven't used magic or hypnosis on her, but yet my wedding ring is on her finger." Erik snarled at the Count. I wanted to face palm when Erik said that, knowing that the last thing we should do was anger the guy with the gun. I opened my mouth to explain everything to Phillippe and calm him down, but before I could, I heard a gunshot ring out. I barely had time to register my movements, as I pushed Erik out of the way. I felt pain suddenly blossom from my abdomen. I absently touched my stomach and looked down at it.
"Blood." I stated softly, looking up at Phillippe. His eyes were wide as he stared at me, I watched his hands let go of the gun and let it drop to the ground. I heard the metal clank echo, breaking the silence. My brain finally comprehended that I had been shot. I stumbled back  quickly, losing coordination and fell, only to be caught by Erik before hitting the ground. A ringing in my ears grew to be unbearable along with an immense pain,  which selfishly made it hard to focus on anything else but them.
"Erik..." I wheezed as I grabbed onto him tight, the pain becoming to much to handle. I looked up to him, and saw his face above me as he cradled me. His face drenched in tears.
"Alina." He whispered back in sobs. "You'll live! I have medicines and bandages in the cupboard. In the same ones that I used after you fainted." He went to get up, but I weakly grabbed onto him to stop him.
"We both know I won't Erik." I told him weakly "At least I was able to die in the place of you. I wouldn't have had it any other way."
"Don't leave me alone Alina. I can't do it again." He begged.
"I'll always be with you Erik." I promised "  always with you."
My vision began to blacken and I felt that it was almost impossible to breathe, like my lungs were gears grinding to a halt.
"I don't have much time left Erik. Please promise me that you won't hurt Phillippe, or anyone else." I implored. If I was going to die, I wanted at least to be sure that the phantom of the opera never happened. I wanted to stop Christine and Erik's life from being ruin and I knew this was my only chance to.
"Why shouldn't I?" He asked bitterly, his eyes becoming hard. "The world has the gall to call me a monster because of my face and yet you, an innocent angel, a blessing to this world was murdered. Monsters like them deserve to be slaughtered."
"Erik, please. Have mercy on them. Do it for me." I pleaded, on the verge of tears. Erik eyes softened, and he slowly nodded, the tears still streaming down his eyes. I loosened my grip on him as the pain became numbing.
"Erik, can you sing for me, one last time?" I murmured. He began to sing And rock me in his arms. despite his crying, his voice was as beautiful as ever. A small smile spread on my lips as the pain melted away and I began to slip away. "I love you." I whispered as I closed my eyes. Erik's voice became softer, until I couldn't hear it anymore.

*Erik's POV*
I continued to cradle Alina even though her body had gone limp. I couldn't hear her labored breathing anymore, creating a deafening silence when I stopped singing. Even in death she was beautiful. I looked down at her face, her eyes were closed and her lips were slight parted with a slight smile. All colour had been drained from her face but yet you could be forgiven for thinking she was asleep. My eyes drifted down and saw the light blue dress she had been wearing drenched in her own dark red blood. Seeing her blood drew me out of my shock, making me realise that Alina really had died. My sobs rang out through the empty house. Phillippe had fled after realising what he done to Alina, not even bothering to pick up his gun. I realised that I would never again would I hear her voice sing nor speak. She wouldn't laugh at our childish antics ever again. I thought back to the things I had taken for granted; reading books to her as she sewed, her frustration when she felt her costume sketches weren't good enough, her smile. I eventually stopped sobbing. I wasn't sure how long I had been crying for. It could have been minutes or hours, but time didn't matter to me. Nothing mattered to me anymore, now that I didn't have Alina. I gathered myself together, and although my sobs had stopped, the tears did not. I realised that I needed to burry her. I placed her in the coffin that I slept in. The coffin I placed her was made for me and my height, so it made her seem so fragile and petite. I dug up a hole on the furtherest part of the 5th cellar, near the lake. It was probably out of selfishness that I placed her in a spot so overlooked. I didn't mark the grave, I only placed a rose on the top. I slowly dragged myself back to the house. I had enjoyed being in my house when Alina was around, but now knowing that she wouldn't be there, the house felt more like a prison. I headed to the only room that could comfort me: the music room. I entered and saw upon the organ, my opera named after Alina. I had been composing an aria just before the performance in hopes that I would be able to give it to Alina for a wedding present. A sudden rage overcame me and I threw the opera into the small fire place that was lit in the room. It wasn't fair that she had been taken away from me. She was the first good thing that had ever happened to me, and she had been taken away. I turned to see Don Juan Triumphant, neglected on the floor. I picked up the opera and held it careful in my hands. Pain had been my muse for the opera.  Now that she was gone, I had plenty of pain to compose with. I placed the unfinished score down on the organ and sat down stiffly. I rested my fingers on the keys. I felt the  coarse music through my body as it stabbed and bruised me but numbed the pain of Alina's absence. 

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