The Full opera experience part 2*

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I opened my eyes to see a lot of people surrounding me. I was only able to identify one person looming over me and it was the little girl from before.
"She's awake." A young man beside me and fanning me announced to the rest of the crowed that was chattering amongst themselves.
"Lucky you passed out at intermission or you would have had a riot on you hands from all the fuss you've caused." The young man said in a jovial manner. It took me a couples of seconds to connect the blackness and my present position lying down on the floor and find that fainting had caused all this. I found that I was a lot less dizzy and my headache had reduced considerably but despite this, I was still not feeling well.
"Can you remember anything ." The young man asked.
"Yes, I can remember everything just fine." I said, sitting up, trying to formulate my way of getting back to Erik without arousing suspicion of the crowd's suspicion.
"Slow down or your going to faint again." He said gently, trying to push me down.
"No, no. I'm fine." I fought, this time standing up and dusting off my dress. By now, most of the crowd had disappeared.
"Are you watching the opera with anyone?" He asked. I hesitated, not sure of how to answer but I decided to answer truthful.
"I'm here with a friend."
"I can escort you back to them, I would hate for you to faint again and have nobody to catch you." He offered. Suddenly the sound of the orchestra filled the hall and I realised that intermission was over.
"I'll probably just go home, you should probably finish watching the opera, I'll watch it some other day." I brushed him off.
"I'll take you to the entrance!" The little girl piped up. I smiled at the girl and thanked the man. The girl was very friendly, but I wasn't much for conversation with the way that I was feeling. I was glad the girl was leading me out as I had never actually been through the opera house as the passage way I took led outside the opera house. I decided that I would leave the opera house and make my way back into the opera house through the secrete passage. That's as far as I got with my plan and I was still unsure what I would do after that, I could just go straight back the lair and rest until Erik gets back or I could go back to box 5 so that he didn't worry about me.

The little girl had left me at the door which allowed me to follow through with my plan but as I made my way back through I the passage. I was so tired that I was really leaning towards going back to the lair as it was a shorter trip than to box 5 and I would just be able to sleep. Luckily for me I bumped into Erik, although he didn't seem to happy.
"Where did you go? I've been searching the whole opera house after you didn't return." He boomed at me. My hand went to my head as the booming didn't help my headache.
"Sorry, I kind of fainted when I went out and that caused a commotion which made getting back to Box 5 hard." I replied, unaffected by Erik's anger. I noticed that he softened up after I said that.
"Are you alright now?" He asked in a gentler tone then before.
"Not really. No." I answered truthfully.
"We should get you home, you might be coming down with something." He suggested as he began leading the way back to the lair.
"I don't think I am. I usually almost faint at times when I'm really tired and stressed, although I've never fainted." I informed him. "Maybe this whole being back in time thing, that and the fact that I haven't been sleeping well lately."
"Well you'll go to bed as soon as we get home. On a different note I was wondering if you enjoyed the part of the opera you watched and if you had any critiques." He inquired.
"I actually didn't watch much. I found it hard to concentrate but maybe I can watch it again with you?" I offered.
"I would enjoy you accompanying me again." He said with a smile.

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