Final plans

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"Erik! I need to talk to you!" I called out as soon as I got home from my meet up with Madame Giry. I quickly whipped of my coat and went to place it on the coat rack beside the door, however the coat was taken from me by Erik and he placed it on the rack for me.
"Where did you come from?" I asked, looking up at him, knowing for sure that he wasn't in the room when I entered.
"I am not called the opera ghost for no reason." He responded mysteriously.
"You didn't answer my question." I pointed out "I'm getting side tracked. I have more pressing matters to talk to you about. Firstly, we forgot to plan the party after the wedding."
"I thought we weren't going to do one since we are going to have a very small wedding." He speculated
"I honestly forgot that we had to do one." I admitted "we don't have to have anything big, but we should at least have some tea and cake for those who come."
"How can we do that. We can't exactly invite them down here. Especially with Giry's track record, she'll probably tell Phillippe." He pointed out.
"I thought she already knew where you live." I told him.
"She does." He admitted "but I told her that I have installed traps, so now she won't come down."
"Wait. You don't actually have traps?" I asked, shocked.
"No. Well technically I have the siren but that's actually me, so it doesn't count. I also have the torture chamber, but someone would have to be a fool to fall in there. I find that the cellars themselves by themselves are enough protection, plus I would rather keep the torture chamber off knowing you are down here." He revealed .
"Intresting. Thanks for not turning on the death trap for me." I said, before quickly deciding what will happen after the wedding "I'll ask Madame Giry if we can have it at her flat. There will only be 3 other people coming apart from us and the Girys. I'll also offer her some money for it."
"We don't have to have a party after the wedding." He proposed, gently telling me that he didn't want one.
"It would be rude not to have one." I rebutted "Besides it won't be long. You can talk the person you invited if you wanted for the whole time."
"Daroga?" Erik asked with distaste clear in his voice "I only invited him out of curtsy."
"Come on Erik." I pleaded "Just do it for me?"
"Fine. It better only be short." He gave in grumpily.
"Well now that that's sorted, let's move on to the next thing. Madame Giry was telling me that the opera ghost has been disruptive lately." I told him.
"Can that woman keep anything to herself?" He grumbled.
"I guess that all your tricks are because the managers aren't listening to you and I understand that it must be frustrating but all the other people who work at the opera house haven't done anything and they're scared half to death because of you." I lectured.
"Well, you and Madame Giry won't have worry about the my haunting anymore because I convinced the managers to put on the opera I wanted and while they didn't want you the spot of Prima Donna, I convinced them to give you an audition." He informed.
"What's the opera?" I asked curiously, getting side tracked.
"L'Orfeo" he answered smugly
"So I'll be playing Eurydice if I pass the audition?" Erik nodded to confirm my question. At first the idea of finally being onstage was thrilling but then the more I thought about it, the more scared I became.
"I don't think I can do this." I fretted, "I'll have to sing in front of audience, which I've never done before, and I'll have to do it for weeks. I don't think my voice is prepared for that."
"Don't worry." Erik soothed me "your voice is fully prepared for this. Besides, it's a one night only performance."
"Only one night?" I double check, which Erik nodded once again to confirm."why is it only one night?"
"After the last two failures, the managers are only going to do a special, one night performance so that they can sell the seats for an exorbitant amount of money." He explained.
"When does this special one night performance take place?" I investigated further.
"The night before out wedding." Erik answered slightly sheepishly.
"Don't you think that's cutting it a little fine?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"Not at all." Erik replied confidently "if anything needs to be done for our wedding the night before, I can do it since I probably won't be sleeping."
"Don't get your hopes up. You never know, maybe they'll think Carlotta's voice is more suited for the role." I cautioned him.
"I don't need to hope. Compared to you, Carlotta's voice sounds like a toad's croak." He proclaimed confidently. I could already begin to feel the pressure of Erik's expectations suppressing me. I knew that I really had to get this role. If these managers choose Carlotta over me like they do to Christine in the musical, they're would be no saying to what Erik may do. I was sure that if I was get this role and perform the show without a hitch, I won't have to worry about the opera house anymore. I knew that after the performance, Erik and I will be able to live out our happily ever after in the country far away from the opera house. I was so close to stopping Erik from becoming the phantom and I knew everything rested on me now and this performance.

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