Please help*

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The boat ride in a word was... Awkward. There was no other way to describe it. Neither said a thing the whole way, he just paddled while I sat there essentially just twiddling my thumbs. It was a bit of a disappointment especially compared to  what Christine is meant to get on her boat trip. I did catch him looking at my legs a few times during the trip, which just made things worse between us. I pretty much jumped out of that thing as soon as we reached dry land.

I'm not gonna lie, his place was very impressive. He had a great big organ which seems as though it would have been impossible to get here, as well as some very nice furniture. There was a lot of candles, like a LOT, I'm honestly not surprised that the opera house burned down earlier due to the fire hazard that lived beneath.
"So are you going to answer my question now?" the phantom asked gruffly as I plopped down on the lovers seat near the organ.

 "Oh yeah that umm..." I did that awkward laugh thing, but only received a glare from Erik. "So anyways, I'm from the future. The year 2020 to be exact." He didn't say anything for a moment.

"I don't believe you" he said bluntly. I couldn't help but lift an eyebrow at him.

"I guess the legs aren't enough then" I sighed "well in the future there is a book about you and it says that your name was, well is Erik Destler." I didn't even have to look at him, I could just feel his jaw drop the ground. I couldn't help but smirk as a studied my nails.

"How on earth did you find out my name you lying little-!" He spat at me, seething as he yanked me up from the seat.

"I'm not lying! I honestly got it from the book! I swear!" I screeched as an attempt to defend myself from his accusation. He dropped his grip on me, causing me fall back on the seat unceremoniously .

"You seem to be to daft to have figured out my name, so I'm going to believe you."

"Wow that's rude but I'm gonna just ignore it. So anyways, thanks for believing me." I said still rubbing my wrist, the grab had really hurt, but it wouldn't leave any marks except for the temporary redness I had at the moment. It was silent for a moment, so I decided to speak up.
" I somehow time traveled here, and I don't now how. I just kinda woke up in the opera house. In the book from the future it says that your a genius, so I guessed that if there was anyone who could get me home, it's you." He seemed a little taken aback about how serious I had become.

He looked at me for a while but finally spoke up "I'm sorry but I have little experience with time travelling and since we don't know how you got here, there's no way for me to reverse it." I couldn't help but to slump my shoulders. I had no hope now of going home. I couldn't stop my eyes from misting up when I started thinking of the family and friends I'd never see again. I was successful in holding the tears back for a whole 5 seconds until I broken out in sobs.

After sobbing loudly for about 3 minutes, I began to quite down into gasps of breath as the tears slowed down. I was well aware of how disgusting I looked. I was what one called; an ugly crier. I knew my face became  bright red and contorted when I cried, plus runny nose and red eyes never do any favors  for a face . As my sight became less blurry as the tears subsided, I realised that Erik had been standing there and watching me cry the whole time.
"I'm sorry you had to see that." I tried to say, but with my voice cracking and wavering from all the crying, it didn't come out very clearly. Erik simply nodded, but his eyes said so much more. I could clearly see that he pitied me. I was angry at first for the fact that it was him pitying me, when it should be the other way around! It dawned on me that he pitied me because he knew what it's like to be alone. He was just like me.

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