Middle Ground

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"Oh! Come on." The woman's eyes were burning into me even in the darkness. "Your father was a dick. Maybe he was a good father; but never a good husband..."

"You can't speak like this about my father!" I protested immediately. After much effort, pulling myself up from the hard floor, I rested my back against the stone wall. Unknowingly, an agonizing gasp escaped my mouth when my back touched the wall. The pain was very much still there---hidden beneath the dried blood over the cuts and wounds.

"Be careful, kid." The woman quickly supported me by my arms, "You still have a long way to go. The pack is yours and you are not going to die in this rathole." Even in such a moment, the woman caked in blood with her left-arm badly infected with silver didn't fail to amaze me.

Maybe I am going to die here within some days, but I would die with no regret from my side. I would die with the memory of some amazing woman I have met in my twenty-four years of life. She would come here looking for me. Maybe, she would not find me alive...but she would know I have resisted. And they will never succeed in causing any harm to her...

"She will find you alive!" The woman sitting beside me growled as if she read my thoughts. "And even without her, you are not going to die here --- in your own pack's prison. You will escape and make everyone in this pack, including those fuckers, submit before you." She turned her face away from mine and scurried away from me once again, as much as those chains permitted.

Her way of showing disapproval like a child made me smile. "If the Alpha is saying so, then how can I disagree." Looking at her and taking a deep breath I added afterwards, "but my father was not a dick." The dark and dirty underground cell was smelling of blood and filth.

"Please!" She snorted listening to me. "When your mother was on deathbed---her last wish was to see you for once. And your dickhead father didn't even care for his dear wife, he just ignored our pleas. I...can you imagine I personally called and begged him to bring you here for five minutes only?"

This information was new to me. I was not expecting to come face to face with such an incident. But as stubborn I was, I still argued. Just my voice was lacking power. "He was trying to protect me. It was a mistake..."

The other woman sensed how my voice was growing smaller and smaller. She was following me from the corner of her eyes. Clearing her throat, she said softly, "well, most of us have been dicks for at least once in our lives." She moved a little, again bringing her weak and broken frame closer to mine. "You know, I poisoned my father and made it look like a natural death?" I whipped around my face instantly only to find the Alpha smirking at my mortified look. "I know...I know...how could I? But trust me that old bastard was a pain in the ass..."

All of a sudden, she paused, slowly turning her gaze towards the dark passage, which led to the entrance of the prison. "Someone's coming." She whispered, putting her index finger on her bloody lips.

I too grew quiet as the large door at the entrance creaked. Both she and I were alerted by the sound of hasty footsteps getting louder and louder. We held our breath as they paused before our cell and the face became visible through the dim lights of the torches the guards were carrying. The woman beside me growled defensively at the woman leading the small group. With the usual hue of malice, her face was full of anger and hatred.

Of course, she hates me. What's new in that? What was new was the shiny gun in her hand. Suddenly, she swung open the door of the cell and stepped her foot inside.

"Your mate took everything from me. Now you have to pay for it!" Her hands rose slowly with her finger curled around the trigger of the gun, aiming at my chest. A simple gun for me? No! The realization hit me after a second. The gun has silver bullets in it.

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