Mall Time 9

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''Where do you wanna go Yoons?'' I ask

''I don't care, we can go anywhere,'' Yoongi replied examining the mall looking at all the shops.

''How about we go to this one makeup store. I kinda need more skin care stuff,'' I chuckle a little embarrassed.

''Okay, lead the way,'' He says smiling the smile I love. We head down the beauty shops, like Sephora, and Chanel. We head into Sephora many girls turn towards me and Yoongi arms still linked together. We grab a little basket as we head to the face wash isle. I see some girls around the skin care giving glances to Yoongi and whispering to each other, giggling.

I grab some of the makeup wipe samples testing it on my skin. I look over to see Yoongi looking at lip glosses, about four or five girls surround him. I grab some of the makeup wipes throwing into the basket pushing my way through some of the girls grabbing his arm pulling him out, ''Yoongi you see how many girls are staring at you. I don't blame them,'' I whisper into his ear.

''I'm not interested in fucking some thirteen year old girl, and is something wrong with my face?'' He whispers back into my ear, ''Just hold my hand,'' He whispers taking the basket away holding it himself, throwing some of the lip gloss into the basket. I hold his other hand, I blushed really hard not knowing it, ''Are you blushing?'' He smirks.

''Yes,'' I say proudly,'' Any way did you want anything? Like chap stick, or anything?'' I ask.

''I got some clear sparkly strawberry lip gloss. And I grabbed you banana flavored lip gloss too,'' He says pulling them out of the basket. I nod, he throws them back it, ''You need anything else?''

''Maybe some eye shadow, and some dark colored lipstick, but that's it,'' I say. His grip tightens, as I lead him to the lipstick isle. I grab three colors, black, dark raspberry, and a deep brown. I feel my phone ding in my pocket. I let go of Yoons hand grabbing my phone.

Hobi ^U^

I think I'm done, WAY?

Y/N (0^0)

We're gonna head to Chanel, and then we'll be done. SYT

Hobi ^U^


I put my phone back in my pocket, tangling my hand into Yoongi's, ''Hobi is done, let's check out. And quickly go into Chanel,'' He nods we go to check out, pay for our things then leave.

We get to Chanel. I smelt the aura of perfumes as we enter. I drag Yoongi to one part of the store grabbing some cute earrings, and a necklace. I drag him to another part of the store grabbing perfume, and some eye shadow, ''Okay lets goooooo,'' I say dragging him to check out. We pay and head to where Hobi was waiting.

We get to Hobi, seeing him reading a book drinking coffee. He looks up and darts his eyes at our connected hands, raising an eyebrow. I let go sitting down next to him, ''Oooh did you get me a book?'' He nods pulling a book out of a bag handing it to me, "Thanks Hobes," Yoongi kinds just stood there awkwardly. Hobis phone goes off. He looks at it.

"Jungkook texted me. We gotta go," Hobi says standing up grabbing his stuff. I stand there looking at him confused, "let's go!" I grab Yoongi's hand pulling him with me as we run to the car.

We get home placing all of our stuff in the living room. We hear footsteps racing down the stairs, "Nonna!" I heard the 95ers yell embracing me into their arms.

"Sup. What's happening," I ask. They leave the hug looking at me.

"Well someone was following you guys. An enemy sent a spy to follow you around," Tae says.

"Let's go Hobi. Yoons stay down here," I said making my way to Kookie's room with Tae, Jimin, and Hobi following behind. I slam the door open making Jin, and Kook jump a little, "Kook what's happening?"

"Well Nonna," He sighed turning back around to his computer, "I hacked into the mall security cameras. In every store there was the same person following you,"

"It could have been a coincidence," I stayed looking over his shoulder seeing the video feed from a couple of hours ago. The same person in a dark hood, black pants, a white hat, and a black mask.

"No he arrived the same time you did. He was in the isle over when you guys went to get Yoongi clothes. He was really close to you guys in Sephora. When the girls were crowding Yoongi. In Chanel he followed you guys when you dragged Yoongi around," He said clicking on the different camera feeds, showing me each of them, "he even followed you guys out to the parking lot, but lost you guys," he started typing away and getting a different feed, "here, he lost you guys on the highway back,"

"I'll stand guard," I told him but I fet someone's hand on my upper back.

"No. I will tonight," Hobi said, "I'm not going to let anything happen to you," I nod in agreement knowing if someone tried breaking there would be no mercy.

" I'll go with you Hyung," Joon says.

"Okay. Cause of how well he tracked you guys, I'm gonna see if I can find him,"  Jungkook said turning around facing me, "What should we do Nonna?"

"Give em hell," I say, "Track him down see who he works for. Hobi you get second shift, and Joon take first shitlater tonight. Hobi go get some rest, as for you Joon," I order. They both head off to their rooms, "Jungkook track him. Jin if you can sharpen the throwing stars. 95ers check the perimeter really quick set traps up too. I'll order take out tonight," They nod Jungkook turning to his computer tapping away clicking each button after another. The 95ers head off marching as if they were in the military.

Jin walked downstairs with me splitting up as we made it to the main hallway. I head back to the living room facing the kitchen seeing Yoongi cooking. I walk in, his back turned towards me as he setaes the mixed veggies.

I stand in the doorway admiring his milky white arms as they move along with movements of the sause pan as he flipped the food stirring it. He grabbed the seasonings next to him shaking the ingredients into the food. I continue to stare at him, but a timer goes off making me jump into the door.

He turns around staring at me, "Y/N? How long were you standing there?" He says taking an aroma of beautiful smelling food out of the oven.

"Not long," I lie, "what's that?" I asked pointing at the thing he just took out," it smells delicious," I practically feel myself watering over the food as I walk over to look at it. Beautiful autumn colors in a pretty swirl covered in orange sause.

"Its ratatouille, my mom used to cook it all the time," He said smiling. He grabbed a fork taking some out of the pan blowing on it, "here try it," he held the fork up to my mouth, I opened my mouth taking in the food, allowing my tongue to taste the amazing flavor. My eyes lit up as I finish.

"Its delicious!" I exclaim, "looks like I won't be ordering take out. Thank you,"

"Its the least I can do," He smiles forking some of the food and placing it in his mouth, "I hope everyone will-"

"Nonna!" Jungkook yelled slamming the kitchen door open, "We found him,"

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