Stars 11

43 7 3


I went to my room after finding out one of my first loves was stalking me. I laid down, my head sinking into my pillow as I thought about it.

I felt scared, but I'll persevere. I couldn't sleep through it, I don't want any nightmares, no more flashbacks. I went up to the roof staring at the sunset as the light slowly disappeared and taken over by the dark.

I curled up holding my knees to my chest. I didn't like this reality. A perfect reality would have no problems, no wars, gangs, and mafias. It would be care free. I continued to stare at the beautiful scenery, "Hey sis, ' Namjoon said walking carefully sitting down next to me, "is everything okay? The last time I remember you coming up here was with that one guy Kai, no Kihyun. So what's up? " I looked at my grape haired brother.

"It's Kihyun again. I'm scared," I said. I didn't want to go through the pain of him again, "I don't want him to hurt me again," I felt his arm side hug me, rubbing my arm trying to comfort me.

"If it comes to that. We'll be here for you, " He reassured me," We have five other brothers in there willing to do anything for you. Maybe if you give Yoongi some training he'll be able to come too,"

"I don't want anyone to get hurt, " I said, "maybe I should try to contact him, and ask what he wants,"

"If you do your not going alone," He told me.

"I know," I sighed, "I'll test everyones fighting skills. And weapons skill to see who would be best. Kihyun has a lot of brothers," I said Namjoon nodded, I started remembering he has the same number of brother as I do.

Also how nice they were to me. Kihyun always waited for me after school, and always sat next to me in homeroom. How Wonho put up with me when I went to their house. How Minhyuk helped me dye my hair that one time, Jin wasn't around for that. How Jooheon helped me beat that one level of Purple Diver. How Hyunwon let me decorate his pretty mullet with hair clips, and bows. How I.M. let me play with some bubbles.

Well I.M. and Shownu weren't there often. So I didn't know them that well. And how Changkyun let me listen to him sing.

They were like my second family, until they left without saying goodbye. Me, and Namjoon sat there until Hobi was calling out for me, "I'm up here!" I shouted. Yoongi popped up from under part of the roof standing next to Hobi.

Yoongi told Hobi something before slapping his head, "Yoongi said he missed you, and was worried!" Hobi yelled. I heard Namjoon laugh.

"I'm sorry! I wasn't able to sleep. And I missed you too!" I yelled, "I'll be down in a minute!" I stood up walking to the end of the roof pulling out a rope from the gutter. I tied it to the satalite, I grasped onto the rope moving down to the ground. Once I was about five feet from the ground I let go of the rope crashing my feet into the concrete. I looked over to see Yoongi speechless, and Hobi looking proud. He taught me how to go down a building.

''That was cool,'' Yoongi said looking up at the roof then back down to me, ''is Namjoon gonna come down? I don't see him,'' he asked looking at the roof. Namjoon was already down, he was standing behind them waiting to scare them.

''Ahem,'' Joon said making his presence seen. Yoongi turned around not bothered, but Hobi screamed jumping up and down across the patio.

''Good job, God of Destruction,'' I chuckled, ''You didn't break anyt-,'' he shushed me pointing to the roof.

''I kinda made a hole in the wall,'' Joon sighed. I looked over at the wall by the rope, there was a giant dent in it. I looked back at him, disappointed, ''It wasn't that strong of a wall,''

''It's a freaking metal enforced brick wall,'' Hobi added crossing his arms. Namjoon scratched the back of his head regretting going down the rope. I looked around for Yoongi. Hobi turned around trying to find him too, ''guys where's Yoongi?'' I kept turning every direction till I finally found him.

''Guys he's in the rode petting a cat,'' I said pointing at the small looking boy in the distance crouched over petting a cat. They nodded, we all watched him. I have to admit he's adorable.

''I'm gonna go get some rest. Hobi can you stand guard for a-,'' Namjoon asked but I cut him off shaking my head.

''I'm out here, you two go get some rest,'' I sighed, ''I'll wake one of you up when I go in,'' I told them. They nodded heading off into the house. I looked back over to Yoongi, who is still petting the cat. I walked over standing over him as he continued to pet the black haired cat, with a white tummy, and paws, some white fur on it's back, and it had the prettiest emerald-yellowed eyes ever. The cat purred as Yoons continued to scratch, and pet the cat, ''does the kitty have a name?'' I asked.

Yoongi looked, and felt around the neck looking for a collar, ''I think she's a stray,''

''Hmm,'' I said Yoongi looked so happy petting the cat, and really seemed to enjoy its company, ''I can have Jin take us to the vet, and make sure she's okay. Is that okay?'' I asked, Yoongi still crouched, turned around looking at me, then back at the cat picking her up. He stood up, looking down at me smiling.

''Really? That'd be great!'' He smiled, ''Thank you,''

''Of course,'' I said petting the top of the kitty's head. She began purring, wiggling against Yoongi's chest.

''I think she likes you,'' Yoongi told me admiring the way the kitty smiled.

''I think she likes you more,'' I said backing my hand away letting it fall back to my side. I looked up at the starry sky. Yoongi did the same as the cat relaxed into his arms, ''Does your kitty have a name?''

''I don't know,'' He looked at the cat, ''how about Lil meow meow?''

''No,'' I laughed, ''It sounds like a nickname of a badass rapper who is really soft, and squishy,''

''Okay ya got me there,'' he hummed, ''Any suggestions?''

''How about Starlight?'' I asked, ''She has pretty white spots, they look like stars, or maybe Star?''

''I like Star,'' He says smiling at the cat lifting it up in the air, like in the Lion King.

''We'll go get her checked, and buy stuff for her tomorrow,'' I told him, I sat on the ground staring at Yoongi and the stars.

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