Tato started falling into a seeminly endless abyss, then stoped before hiting the ground, then fell. She was somehow magicaly transported into another world.
The black figure appeared before her and walked into the light of the lamp post.
"I am the Mad Hatter!"
"But thats alredy taken..."
"Damn it then..." *turns self into a potato* "I am the Mad Pottater!" O-O
"Hey but I'm the only potato in this story!"
The Mad Potater took a potato chip... AND ATE IT!!
"You canibbal monster!!!" D': potato screamed
"Hahahaha! *-* "
A book then fell in front of potato and she hoped on top of it out of instinct.
Mad Potater then pulled a Whiz Califfa album out of his hat.
"What is that?"
(I got sugested SAO and Death Note for this, altough I would of loved to do SAO(I have lots of jokes writen) but it wouldnt make sense to travel there trough a magic hat. I will make SAO chapters in the future. When tato tries the Nervegear.)
Kawai Potato- The Little Potato that Could
AcakWell she was a potato, and she could do stuff! Follow Tato through her fabulous adventures as she potates life! (Whatever comes to mind) -This is a stupid little random project I came up with on the spot in order for me to get practice writing with...