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jimmy had given me another backstage pass, and I'd spent that night's show on the side of the stage as I had the night before.

he collected me when the show was over, greeting me with a kiss and a nice firm squeeze around my waist, and we were escorted to a car.

led zeppelin had their own private plane; a boeing 720b airliner, large and built for comfort.
"I can't believe you have this whole thing to yourselves," I said to jimmy as we got out of the car.
"it's yours now too, darling. don't you forget that," he said to me, his hand on the small of my back. we boarded the plane, and I was astonished by all of its fixtures; a bar, an artificial fireplace, a thirty-foot long couch, a large television with a selection of video tapes, and a private cabin in the back with a waterbed.

I was introduced to led zeppelin's manager, peter grant, and he was much kinder to me than I'd anticipated.
"I've told him about you, darling. he knows you aren't a groupie, and I've made sure that he'll be nice to you," jimmy said.
he's so protective, I thought.

he and I tucked ourselves away in the private cabin with a bottle of wine.
"it gets rather loud out there sometimes," he said. "and I have a bit of anxiety when it comes to flying, so I figured we'd hide out in here."
"I'll protect you, don't worry," I said, teasing him a little, and I wrapped my arms around him. he laughed and we got comfortable on the bed.

we drank wine and I held him in my arms to keep him relaxed, and the plane took off. it would be an hour before we touched down in indianapolis. we talked about little things; the music we liked, our favorite books, our favorite films. he told me about an occult book shop back in england that he loved, and he promised to take me there one day.

his hands were shaking, and he could barely hold his glass.
"come here, darling," I said, sitting up and placing a pillow in my lap, and I helped him ease back. I rubbed his shoulders and ran my hands through his hair, leaning down and kissing his forehead occasionally.
"feel better?" I asked, pouring more wine in his glass. he smiled up at me and nodded, reaching for my hand.


jimmy and I stayed up late that night.

the hotel room we were staying in had an enormous bathtub, so we ran a hot bath and relaxed.

I rested my head on jimmy's chest and we talked; he told me about his family, his mother and father.
"what about your family?" he asked me. unfortunately, there wasn't much for me to tell him.
"my parents died in a car accident when I was fifteen, and there was no one to take care of me, so I've been on my own since then. I've made money telling fortunes and I've lived in various hotels, and it's been terribly lonely. but then I met you." I reached up and kissed him on the cheek. "and now things couldn't be better."

"I'm sorry, darling. really I am," he said, rubbing my back.
"it's alright. everything's fine now. can I have a kiss?"
he smiled at me, and pressed his lips to mine. "you're so beautiful."
"so are you," I said, pushing his hair away from his face. "you're perfect."
"ah, well I don't know about that," he said, a little embarrassed.
"I do."

I reached up again and kissed him, and I decided to flirt a little. I took his hand in mine and gently laid it across my chest, holding it there as I deepened the kiss.
"miss daphne, are you being a tease?" he asked, gasping as he broke away.
"I'm still learning," I said, smirking at him. I pressed my lips to his again, and I felt his hands slide up and down my body, coming to rest on my waist.

"why don't we move this to the bed so I can work on you more comfortably?" he asked, breathless. he drained the water and we dried off, and he lifted me up into his arms; I loved it when he carried me. he laid me out on the bed, gently spreading my legs apart. he started with pressing soft kisses to my inner thighs, raising goosebumps on my skin. he left a trail of kisses from my thighs, to my stomach, to my breasts, all the way up to my lips and back again.

he took my hand in his and kissed my palm and each of my fingers, and I was elated and warm. his lips eventually found their way back to mine, and I pulled him on top of me.
"do you want it, darling?" he asked me, briefly coming up for air.
"do what thou wilt," I whispered to him, quoting aleister crowley's the book of the law.
"love is the law, love under will," he said, quoting crowley as well, smiling and kissing me again.

I wrapped my legs around him as he took me, his lips on my neck, my hands in his hair.

he slipped his hands beneath my back and lifted me slightly, bringing me closer to him. I took his face into my hands, pressing my forehead to his, gazing into his eyes. his pace was slowed so that he could draw it out as long as possible, and he made sure that I was getting what I needed.

"jimmy," I whimpered, clawing at the bedsheets, desperately needing him to get me to my peak.
"I'm trying, baby," he said, his breathing labored. he reached up and gripped onto the headboard, the bed shaking, and I felt every muscle in my body tense up as if I'd been lit on fire, losing all control as I was pushed over the edge.

when I came back to myself, jimmy was at the end of the bed cleaning me up with a towel, my legs still shaking.
"are you alright, babygirl?" he asked, having noticed me coming down from my high. I nodded, struggling to keep my eyes open.

he laid down beside me and took me into his arms, and I felt him running his fingers through my hair, holding me close to him.
"thank you for making me feel good, jimmy," I whimpered, half-asleep, and he laughed a little.
"of course, darling. I love making you feel good," he said. "I love you."
this snapped me out of my stupor.
"you what?" I asked, needing to hear it one more time.
"I love you, daphne. very much."

I sat up a little bit and looked at him.
"do you mean that?" I asked, staring at him.
"yes. I do."
I took a moment to process this. my heart pounded in my chest, and the room seemed to be spinning. without thinking, I jumped on top of him and threw my arms around him, pressing my lips to his.
"I love you too," I said in between kisses, and he laughed.

he rubbed my back and gazed at me, his eyes glassed over. "you're the most amazing woman I've ever met, daphne. it's an honor to know you."
he took my hand in his and kissed it, kissing my palm and each of my fingers.
"I love you, jimmy. I love you so much," I said, resting my head on his chest again, falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

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