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I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep that felt as if it lasted forever.

"angel, wake up," jimmy cooed. "you wouldn't want to sleep through your birthday, now would you?"
I woke up to his hand holding mine, and he pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead.
"happy birthday, sweetheart."

when my eyes came into focus, I saw a room service cart loaded down with the biggest breakfast I'd ever seen in my life; pancakes, eggs, bacon, strawberries, cream, coffee, and a chilled bottle of champagne.

"is that all for me?" I asked, sitting up and stretching.
"all that you can eat. dig in, darling," he said, smiling at me. "and after breakfast, I'm going to run you a nice hot bath, and then I'm taking you shopping. there may or may not be a few more surprises along the way too."


my breakfast and bath were followed by a naughty romp with jimmy. we'd gotten a little tipsy on the champagne and it wasn't even noon.

I slyly backed myself onto jimmy's lap, and I felt a bulge start to form in his pants. I felt his hands go to my hips, and I started gently grinding myself against him, and I heard him let out a low moan.
"miss daphne, are you trying to get my attention?" he whimpered, and I smirked to myself.
"I think I've had your attention in my possession for a while now, mr. page."

I took one of his hands in mine and guided it under the tiny slip I wore; I hadn't bothered to put on any underwear.
"no panties," he observed. "and very wet."
"just for you," I said, turning around in his lap and straddling him, grinding harder against his jean-covered bulge.

"is the birthday girl being naughty?" he asked, struggling to maintain his composure.
"it's my turn to give you a present." I slowly undid his belt and unbuttoned his jeans, slowly unzipping them to tease him; a few beads of sweat had started to form on his forehead now.

"someone's hard," I said, feeling him through his underwear.
"if you're going to take me just do it already," he seethed, in need of relief, and I smirked at him.
"all in good time," I whispered, gently kissing his flushed cheek. I think he secretly liked it when I took control.

I slipped his hardened member out of his underwear and caressed it, and when his eyes were closed, I took him, slowly sinking down onto his hard length and smiling as I watched his eyes roll backwards. I started bouncing up and down on him, occasionally rocking forwards to please myself, and we both started to unravel quickly.

"daphne," he whimpered, running his hands up my back.
"would you like to say that a little louder for me, darling?" I said, holding myself down on him for a moment; I felt powerful, dominant over him. I felt myself tighten around him, and we both orgasmed simultaneously.
"daphne," he groaned, squeezing my hips as he came undone, and I grabbed fistfuls of his shirt in my hands.

I withdrew from him and went into the bathroom to clean myself up, and he pulled himself together and followed me.
"may I offer you a suggestion, love?" jimmy said, straightening his shirt.
"what might that be?" I asked as I splashed my face with water.
"take control more often. it's very, very sexy," he said with a smirk. "there's never a dull moment with you, darling. I love you so much."

I smiled at him, and he came over to me and kissed me, and I wrapped my arms around him.
"can we still go shopping?" I asked, gazing up at him.
"of course we can. get dressed."
I smiled at him and rushed off to search for my brand new velvet dress and my beautiful blue coat.


"I want you to try these on for me."

jimmy put two dresses in my hands; a long sleeved one in a beautiful blue-grey stone colored velvet with white lace at the hem, and a tiny slip-like dress in saturated red satin.

"why?" I asked, and he smirked at me.
"I figured you should have a dress for each of your birthday parties; something a bit formal for your birthday dinner at max's kansas city this afternoon, and something more intimate for our own little private party at the hotel after the show."

"oh, my god. max's? it costs a fortune to even make a reservation," I said, overflowing with excitement.
"nothing's too expensive for you, darling. now go try on those dresses."


I stood in line at max's kansas city in my stone velvet dress with jimmy, the rest of led zeppelin, peter grant and richard cole in tow.

"what's the name?"
"party for miss daphne, seven guests total," jimmy said, and he slipped the man at the door a one-hundred dollar bill. "and prompt service would be much appreciated."
the man smiled. "right this way sir."
we were led to a more private section of the restaurant for party reservations, and we were seated and given drinks.

I sat in jimmy's lap and sipped on a stiff long island iced tea, and the band chatted away about god knows what; jimmy and I were off in our own little world as usual.

"are you enjoying yourself, princess?" he whispered in my ear, his hands sitting comfortably on my waist.
"this is a dream come true. and it's even better because you're at the center of everything," I said, kissing him on the cheek. "I adore you."
"anything for my daphne," he said, pressing his lips to my forehead.

we had our dinner and talked, laughed, and drank the afternoon away. half an hour before it was time for us to leave, our waiter brought out a massive chocolate cake adorned with strawberries and birthday candles; jimmy had called ahead earlier that afternoon and had it specially ordered just for me.

"make a wish, sweetheart," he said, kissing my cheek and lifting me to my feet, his hands on my hips. everyone was smiling at me; I never wanted this happiness to end.

please let this last forever, I silently wished as I held my hair back and blew out the candles, and the boys clapped for me and chanted loud happy birthdays.

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