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that night's show was a blur.

at some point during the evening I started feeling more tired than usual; I couldn't figure out if it was because I'd had too much excitement, or too much to drink, but I wasn't feeling great.

I sat on jimmy's lap in the backstage area, resting my head on his shoulder, nursing a lukewarm cup of plain black coffee.
"what's the matter, angel? you've been so quiet all night," he asked, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.
"I don't know. I started feeling unwell during the show. I think I'm just tired, there's been so much excitement today," I said, mustering a smile, and jimmy gave me a sad look.

"what do you say we go back to our room, and I run you a nice hot bath? does that sound good?"
I nodded and pressed a kiss to his cheek, and we quietly slipped out the backstage door.


jimmy ordered dinner for me, and he had extra toiletries brought to the room so I could take an extra fragrant, bubbly bath, and he even went to the trouble of lighting candles and lining my crystals up on the side of the tub for extra positive energy; he knew the way to my heart.

when I was finished with my bath he helped me dry off, dressing me in my new red slip and wrapping me in a warm towel before carrying me to the bed. I couldn't help but notice how sore my body felt, and how icy and clammy my hands were.

he laid me down and tenderly covered me with the bedspread, and he noticed my malaise.
"please tell me what's wrong, darling."
"I think I'm getting sick, jimmy. my body hurts all over, and I'm hot and cold," I whimpered. "I feel like I've ruined our night."

he gave me a sad look. "don't feel that way, daphne. you haven't ruined anything. but I feel terrible that you've gotten sick on your birthday. not to worry, though; day after tomorrow we'll be home, and I'll take good care of you. turn over."
I rolled over onto my side and he rubbed my back, somehow knowing exactly where it ached.

I knew it was the tour that was getting to me. the long plane rides, late nights, waking up in a different city almost every day. nothing sounded better to me than waking up in the same bed each morning, holed up in jimmy's english countryside home. I fantasized about sleeping in, and sitting next to him in bed and reading passages aloud to him from wonderful books. peace and quiet, just the two of us. I felt like maybe I was starting to shed my nomadic ways.

"honestly, this has been the best part of the day," I whispered to him, turning over. "just you and I alone. in the quiet."
he smiled at me and kissed my forehead. "we'll have more of this soon. I can't wait to be all alone with you."


I woke up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat.

"jimmy, I need you to call for the hotel doctor," I whimpered. "I'm roasting alive."
my bones ached and my head was pounding. he soaked a washcloth and gently laid it over my eyes, and the last thing I remembered was him picking up the phone.

"likely a case of mononucleosis," the older gentleman said as I faded in and out of consciousness. "transmitted through saliva, shared drinks and kissing. the only treatment is rest. keep her hydrated and make her jump in the bath if her fever persists."
"thank you, doctor," jimmy shrugged, showing the man out.

he rang room service for a bucket of ice and a pitched water, and sat tentatively by my side, watching over me like a sentry. "I'm glad we're going home soon."
"me too," I said, reaching for his hand. "I'm sorry I had to get sick, jimmy."
"no no no, this isn't your fault, daphne. and instead of waiting for our flight on monday morning, I'll get us a redeye immediately after the show tomorrow. I want to get you home as soon as possible."

"I've traveled the country since I was fifteen, and I never thought it would wear me down," I said, thinking back over the last few years of my life. reading cards for men in smokey rooms, an old shawl draped over my shoulders and dollars in a cup. sleeping in motels night after night, thinking I'd be alone forever, drifting from place to place like a ghost. for the first time since I was a child, I had someone to care for me. I didn't have to hustle and drift anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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