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"is there any way i can request a few more days off?" felix asked tapping his fingers impatiently on the marble counter only to let out a disappointing sigh at the response "i understand. i'll be there as usual."

"everything alright?" changbin asked he walked into the kitchen overhearing felix phone call.

felix gave him a small smile and nodded "i called my job to ask for more days off but they denied my request. i can still call a friend of mine to cover so i can stay with joonie-"

changbin shook his head "felix you've helped me more than enough these past few days i can't have you risk your job that you enjoy so much for joonsu. go ahead and i'll be staying here until joonsu is back in school."

"i'll try and figure something out that way i can stay a few more days that way i don't leave my other babies with random substitute tutors. you remember the medication schedule right? it's one every two hours and the other every eight hours. oh and also homework make sure he finish reading his book this week."

felixs eyes widen as he realized he was giving guidance to changbin who was joonsu's father. changbin chuckled in amusement "i remember everything clearly since i was there to sign the release papers but thanks for the rundown." felix shook his head a bit embarrassed at the situation. "also your babies?"

"yes, i tutor ten other kids individually and then have group sessions at the private school on the upper east side." felix replied making changbin nod understandably "also don't worry about having to have days off let me deal with the situation."

"but your job?" felix asked since he knew how much work changbin has on the daily. it was one of the reasons changbin had asked felix to help with taking care of joonsu these past few days since he had to close a very important deal. felix also knew they were busy since seungmin would comment about how much hyunjin had been working. "i've worked non stop for the past seven years im sure everything will be fine."

felix hesitates but nods "i'll go check on joonsu and then i'll call a cab and be on my way."

before felix moved changbin opened the drawer and pulled out the car keys sliding across the kitchen island to felix who looked at him confused "use it. it's much more safer and easier than relying on cabs."

felix quickly shook his head "no i can't. what if you need it? or something happens to it? or i do something wrong?" changbin shook his head "i have three more. if something happens to it i'll make sure it's fixed. please use it as a thank you from me and joonsu." felix bits his bottom lip anxiously since he hadn't driven in the busy city before. "i insist." changbin said making felix nod and take the keys.

felix walked towards joonsu room knocking softly on door and smiled hearing his sweet voice. "i have to go to work today but your dad will be here all day with you! promise me you'll do your homework right?" joonsu furrowed his eyes at felix and noticed felix had all his belongings "but you'll be back tonight?" joonsu asked making felix sigh "i don't know joonie. i have to go back my roomate misses me and i have to work everyday." felix said running his fingers across joonsus soft hair.

"what if you and your roommate move here!?" joonsu asked excitedly felix shook his head "i don't think that's possible your dad has to say it since he lives here. i'll be back just like we usually were." felix said smiling hoping joonsu returned it "well can you promise you'll come help me today with my homework and stay for dinner please?" joonsu asked holding felix hand tightly. felix smiled and nodded finally making joonsu smile back.

after getting the run down on the car changbin offered felix was off.

changbin was making breakfast for the both of them while on the phone with jeongin getting the rundown of the day when the bell rung.

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