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thank you for making it to the end. it means a lot to me. anyways i have a bad habit of starting books before i even finish one. give me your thoughts on which one i should focus on.

Compromise: jeongchan

it follows jeongin and chans relationship from where it left of in the epilogue. it's short but solves their dilemma.

Pretty: changlix

basically the changlix version of pretty woman.

Unconditional: minsung

minho and jisung fall in love but minhos mother finds out and makes them end it with each other in order to not ruin the company's image. minhos father suffers a medical condition and has to leave han. until they meet again.

Testimony: minsung

the hans are one of the most important families in the city. what happens when mrs.han passes away? the lives of the four han children change. they change even more when minho comes back after twenty years that he isn't even recognized by han jisung himself.

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