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Three Years Later

I was thirteen years old now. Izuna was fourteen while Madara was sixteen. Nothing much had passed throughout these three years. I continued to train hard under Izuna and Madara's father. I also became more familiar with the village and that's it.

I still feel as if one day the Uchiha clan will one day kick me out for not being an Uchiha. I always feared that deep down. Madara and Izuna are the only two Uchiha's that make me feel like that will never happen. But I can't help it.

In two days, all the Uchiha men that are in the village will be going to war. Well, most of them. Master will be staying with me while Madara and Izuna leave the village. I will be all alone again. I haven't made a lot of friends despite having to be here for three years. Maybe I could try to.

"Y/N-chan." I get out of my thoughts and see the cute cheek puffed fellow Izuna.

"Izuna!" I happily shout.

"You look so lost in thoughts. Are you okay?" Izuna asked. Although he may already know what's wrong.

"I'm just a little sad that you and Madara are leaving. I'll be all alone." My gaze shifted away from Izuna. I looked down at my hands that were fiddling my anxiety. I can feel Izuna having a dazed look at me.

"Y/N you know that you won't be alone. You'll have my father. Don't worry I will be home very soon." Izuna said in comforting words but I didn't feel comforted.

Izuna didn't know what else to do to comfort me until he came up with an idea. He grabbed my hand and pulled me in the direction of the training grounds.

"What are we doing here?" I asked curiously. This boy can get in all sorts of trouble.

"If you think I won't be coming home then why not challenge me?" Izuna was way more powerful than me. How could I challenge him when we are on totally different levels.

"Izuna I can't." I quickly refused him. He should be safe before going to the battlefields not messing with me. Before I could speak Izuna threw a kunai at me.

"Izuna!" I said in a shocked state. He didn't care and just threw another kunai at me. This boy was asking for it. I got jumped back and shot a kunai at him. While he dodged it I attacked him with a fireball. He was also able to escape that.

Before I knew it I had a his hand around my throat. He was too quick and I let my guard down.

I realize this is my last chance to tell him my feelings. I have always had great feelings of admiration and love towards Izuna. I want to tell him but I can't. He treats me like a little sister but if I don't tell him then he'll never know. Unless he already knows. Y/N stop it! I tell myself.

"Izuna..." Izuna lets me go and faces me.

"Yes Y/N." He says with that cute smile of his. I can't freaking help it. He's too cute!

"Izuna I rea" before I could say anything more Madara comes out of nowhere and startles me.

"Older brother. What are you doing here?"

"I came to find you. Father wants to see us." Madara turns his back to me. I felt a small glare come from him. Did I do something wrong? If it's about liking Izuna then I'm sorry but I can't help it.

"Y/N I'll be back soon." Izuna says with a warm tone. He pats my head and disappears with Madara. I have nothing better to do. Tonight we have a feast for all the soldiers and then the next day they will prepare to leave, on the third day they will be gone to the battlefields.

(Madara x reader) Reader style; Fall in love with me jutsu!💕Where stories live. Discover now