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My body was numb; I couldn't move a muscle. I was caught frozen when the plant's stared at me. It was as if he noticed me and was warning about something with his stare. He started to scare me but I tried my best not to since this was a dream. At the moment I realized it was a dream everything turned black.

When I saw light it wasn't that light. It was as if the sun was rising or as if the sun was going to sleep. I was looking at a dark sky. When I looked down I saw many ants that looked like people. Everything around around me was dark and crumbled beneath me. It was a horrible sight to witness, I can't explain it any further.

"Naruto!" the voice below shouted.

Many ninjas were covered in this orange force that resembled a fox like creature. There was a small boy whose hair was yellow. His whole body looked like a fox with nine tails. Soon after all that, the sky blacked out.

I opened my eyes. The world was dark but under my feet was a white ground. The sky for some reason didn't feel so far away but instead it felt like another world. The stars were close and your body felt light. I could feel myself wanting to move but I couldn't.

I blinked my eyes once.

I blinked my eyes again.

When I blink my eyes again I'll probably wake up.

I blink my eyes again.

The sun hit my face and the morning poured its love on me. I got up and rubbed my eyes. Everything seemed so real in the dream. But yet impossible.

"Y/n?" The door opened all the way revealing a less optimistic Hashirama.

"Hashirama?" He had a tray of food which he set aside on the bedside for me to eat.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine."

"Well that's good. My brother and I have decided that we're going to let you explore a little since you've been cooped up in here."

"I thought I was a hostage?"

"Well after you're explanations my brother and I reasoned with one another and decided that your more friend than foe."

I stuffed my mouth with some rice balls, "What's the catch?" my chubby cheeks managed to say.

"You have to escorted and watched over. Tobirama has volunteered to keep an eye out for you so don't be so depressed."

I nod happily as I munch on my food. Staying inside this room any longer and I would've exploded. It's been days since I felt the grass and the wind and everything.

I noticed that Hashirama wasn't being his normal self which kind of bothered me it gonna lie. I know that I'm a hostage and all but he really got to me.


He stopped dazing off and payed attention to me, "Yes!"

"Are you alright? You seem down?"

Hashirama shook his head, "I'm alright. It's just some personal problems. You don't need to worry. I'll figure them out soon enough."

"Ok.." I hesitantly said.

A few minutes, after I finished my food, Hashirama left and I was by my lonesome again. It's so bored being held hostage for no apparent reason.

Master told me to go far away but instead I'm here at an enemy base. How did it even get to this?


3rd Person POV
(Before Y/n woke up)

Hashirama was heading to his father's office for some private business. When Hashirama got into his father's office he knew that something was going on.

"Hashirama..." The seriousness in his father's voice began alarming Hashirama.

"I've decided that we needed some allies to defeat the Uchiha with us. I've contacted the Uzumaki clan and they said that we can come to an alliance through political matters that go beyond expectation for the Uchiha."

Something was off and Hashirama knew, "What're you implying?" Hashirama said in a responsive tone.

"I want you to marry the head clan's daughter Mito Uzumaki. It'd be a great offspring and alliance if you ask me."

Hashirama was infuriated with this idea and banged the table in front of him.

"How? How can you just do this without my consent?! You say all of this as if you're only benefitting yourself, not the clan!"

"Watch yourself Hashirama! I'm your father and I have the right to control your life because I'm the head of this clan. You marrying the Uzumaki girl will benefit the clan. Now don't disobey my orders!"

The conversation was needed like that. Hashirama was against the idea of marrying someone he didn't love but he still had to move forward with it.

Hashirama decided to take his mind off of this marriage thing and go to see Y/n. He thought that she might be hungry after seeing her eat yesterday, she ate more than a dog seeing a bone.

Hashirama grabbed some rice balls from the kitchen and a tray to put the rice balls on.

"What are you doing?" Hashirama was startled by the sudden noise.

"Uh... getting food." Hashirama responded to the all too familiar voice.

"Are you hungry?"

"No. This is for Y/n." Hashirama continued to load the rice balls on the tray one by one since they were still hot.

"Why are you treating her? She's a spy." The white haired boy said.

"No she's not Tobirama. Remember the picture from yesterday. If those people do exist and are after us then it would've happened and Y/n wouldn't be captured. Besides she seems trustworthy so we should let her go."

A bang noise was made by the angry Senju.

"Are you an idiot Hashirama? She could be lying and she is untrustworthy. If we do let her go that's basically putting ourselves to death."

"Fine. Then we'll not let her go and you can watch over her."


"You can let her get familiar with the place and test to see if she is trustworthy. Right now we only have that option than just keeping her and getting nowhere. She is nowhere near the Uchiha's but she could lead us to a group of those strange people before they are a bigger threat."

"I suppose." Tobirama hesitantly agreed with his elder brother. "But what're we supposed to do if she has been hiding everything from us. What then?"

"Then we end her. It's as simple as that."

"You sound so cheerful talking about Y/n's death."

Hashirama talked in a low voice, "Not really."

"What was that?"

"Nothing!" Hashirama left leaving a confused Tobirama.

Ok. So this part of the story wasn't as interesting because this chapter is more of a filler and because I wanted to update as soon as possible for you guys and we can continue the storyline. I will probably update in a few days. My family is considering to go camping again so yea.

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