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I woke up in my room. I got dressed and ate breakfast before going outside.

"Madara! Izuna!" I yell. They both look towards me.

I run up to the both of them and smile.

"What are you smiling about?" questioned Izuna.

"That's a secret." I smiled gleefully.

"Oh? If that's the case then I guess I'll use my new technique." Izuna said.

"New technique? What is it?" I asked.

"That's a secret." Izuna chuckled. I pouted. He was teasing me again.

"Alright you two, that's enough. We need to practice." Madara said. He was always serious and has a mean look to him, although he doesn't show it, Izuna said that Madara is very nice and has a hard time showing it because Madara doesn't want to be labeled as 'weak'.

"Yes!" Both Izuna and I shout.

After practice I feel so weak that I can't even stand up anymore. I lay down on the ground and look up at the sky. For some reason the sky looks different today.

"Izuna," he makes a 'hm' sound, "Do want to know why I'm smiling today?"

"Why?" He says as he sits by me.

"Because I finally have people who treat me more than just a monster. I have you, Madara, and Master. You guys take care of me even though I can't do much now. So, thank you."

When I spoke I swear I saw Izuna looking hurt. Does he think of me as a monster? Does he hate me?

"Y/n," I look back up at Izuna, "From now on don't feel bad about you freeloading us. You are much more than just a monster, you're Y/n."

I hold back my tears from Izuna's words. Not only was I told I'm not a monster but a handsome, cute boy is saying it to me.

"Izuna, Y/n, it's time to go back." Izuna and I both head to Madara's side.

"Madara, you look very handsome today." I could see a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Really?" He asks. I nod my head.

He really is a softie. He loves getting compliments from me. How could he not blush?

"What about me Y/n?"

"You look very cute." I say to Izuna. Being surrounded by two hot looking guys is a problem but only I can handle it.

"Let's go." Madara started walking back to the house with Izuna and I as waddling sucks following it's mother.


It was getting darker as the night sky overcame the light. The moon bloomed bright and round high in the sky. I was preparing dinner after taking a relaxing hot shower.

I set up the table and put the hot plates of food on the table. The smoke from the plates went away with the small gust of wind from the open window. It was pretty chilly tonight.

I close the window and get the rice into the bowls, "Time to eat!" I yell out.

Master was the first one coming to eat. Madara and Izuna came in the next. We all sat around the small square table. We all thanked for the food and began eating. For a nice day it was very quiet.

After dinner Izuna would do the dishes and Master and Madara went to the office to chat about whatever men talk about. I grab a shawl and put it around me.

I walk out of the house and sat down on the porch. Looking up to the sky I look and see that the moon is so big and bright. For some reason the moon looks very close. The sky seemed very weird this whole time. I feel as if I was missing something.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in taking a deep breath out.

"Y/n," I jump from the sudden call, "Oh my goodness! You scared me."

Izuna was at the door calling me out, "Time to go in. It's getting late."

"Ok." I get up and head inside to my room. I lay down on my bed hoping to go to sleep but even after training and having a nice shower and eating a nice meal I couldn't go to sleep.

I feel like I'm forgetting something. I let the feeling off easy when I look outside one more time. I close my eyes and start to feel very sleepy.


The next day had already come and I did the same thing as I did yesterday. I got are breakfast and headed out to training. I come back from training take a bath and go back to sleep doing it all over again the next day.

This cycle repeated for what felt like a year but it was only 5 days.

I got up from my bed and ate some breakfast and went to train. By the time I got to the training grounds I saw Madara and only him.

I practiced a few times until I felt tired. I didn't even bother to ask where Izuna was. For some reason I wasn't worried.

"Madara," he didn't stop practicing but I could tell he was listening, "do you feel like something is off these days?"

"No. Why do you ask?"

"I feel as if something isn't right but I can't put my finger on it." What became the peaceful morning quickly became a sunset with the stars already peeking from the clouds.

"Nothing is different. You wake up and train them go back to sleep just to do it all over again." Madara said.

"I know but that's is what's bothering me. It feels as if everything is repeating itself." I look up and see the moon coming out already.

"See, look at the moon. It looks closer than usual."

"The moon has always been there Y/n."

This doesn't seem like the Madara I know. The only way to find out truly was to ask him one question, "Madara, do you like me?"

He stops practicing and stand still in his position. Eventually he gets out of the position and looks at me. He comes closer to me and starts speaking, "Yes."

That's when I knew.

"This is a dream. Isn't it?" Madara nodded his head. I was right.

"This is all a dream. You have to wake up Y/n. Wake up."


I open my eyes which are immediately hurt by the sun's blinding light. I run my eyes and find out I'm still in the same room that I was in yesterday.

That dream felt real but yet it didn't. It felt like a dream but it wasn't. It was a genjustu. It was very powerful but I was able to get out of it by my own free will.

How I know that Madara was fake, the real Madara would never tell me he likes me. The real Madara would only ignore the matter since he doesn't care.

Madara isn't weak and neither am I.

I get up from my bed and walk up to the door. By the time I was only a feet away from the door the door had opened with the two boys standing at the entrance.

"You." I muttered.

(Madara x reader) Reader style; Fall in love with me jutsu!💕Where stories live. Discover now