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The very next day Izuna and Madara left early so the only chance I had to say goodbye was last night. Right now I was training with Master. I was able to hold up my training a lot more than usual. Master said that it will take me a while to take on a few of these jutsus he wanted to show me after I practice more.

It was already the afternoon and Master has left with a few other elders about somethings. So I am now focusing on my chakra.

I must focus and be strong. I want to be strong enough to help Izuna and Madara.

Closing my eyes I only see darkness. But suddenly the darkness turns into light. A strange tunnel of light was seen before my very eyes. Am I dead? But there is something strange about the light.

I slowly walk towards the light and find myself before a big red cage. I forgotten about him. It's been three years. These three years I've been afraid that I wouldn't become strong enough because of him.

"It's been a long time, you finally show up you little brat."

"It has. And my name isn't brat." I yelled.

"You've been making progress lately. I must say that you should keep it up."

I was confused. He is supporting my training but why?

"Why are you asking? Are you suggesting that I should keep training for your benefit?"

"Not exactly. Get this straight brat, I don't need to be locked in some cage and I don't need you to get in my business."

"Kurama, I was wondering, why are you sealed in me?"

The red fox only sighed, "I've been alive for a long time but even I don't know why."

In hopes of knowing was failed. The only person whom you thought would help you answer the question was lost too.

"Do you know my parents?"

"No." I felt disappointed. Does this fox know anything?

"If you keep using your chakra I will become free and you will be strong enough to protect those brats of yours."

"They aren't brats."

"Sure. That Uchiha boy has something up his sleeve and that older one too."

"Do you mean Izuna and Madara?" I ask.

"No. The elder brat and your master brat."

Master and Madara? Why would they seem suspicious to him?

"What do you mean?"

"You should find out yourself. Just leave me alone right now."


I opened my eyes to the familiar room. I was no longer in the dark room with that fox.

The fox did say something about Madara and Master being suspicious and said something about him being free if I train. This old fox doesn't make any sense at all.

How do I even know he's tricking me or not? But he's the only one who knows about my past. He should have the answers but why doesn't he?

I need to take a breather. I walk outside of the village and into the forest. I know it could be dangerous but I have to find answers. I don't how but I will.

As I continue walking I see a river. I sit down and throw a rock into the water. I remember my uncle told me that he found me in the river.

He found my looks usual. My white hair, pale skin, red eyes. It is true they are unusual. What should I do?

I look up for a slight second to the sky but when I do I see something on the other side of the river. I quickly follow the strange figure. Who was watching me?

The figure moved fast as if it used chakra to move faster. I wouldn't lose to it. I quickly sped up to the figure. Whoever was spying on me must've been a pervert that needed to be taught a good lesson.

The figure moved fast and even when I was so close I lost it. Now I'm stuck in the middle of the forest without knowing which way I can from. I decide to get on a tree to see where I was but when I jumped up I was pulled down.

"Who are you?" I shout.

"The dame goes to you! What are you doing in our territory?" The man, I believe, shouts.

I look up at the figures who decide to detain me but only look at the same red eyes with similar white hair and pale-ish skin.

"You!" Before I could even finish my sentence the man who had a similar look as me was pointing his sword at me.

"State your business!"

"Business? I just got lost."

"You couldn't have. Those who immediately step into Senju territory will be immediately destroyed. Everyone knows that."

"What?" I exclaim, "I just got lost and you aren't even going to let me off the hook?"

"Those who trespass are most likely spies for the Uchiha!" The man said the last part like it was a curse.

"What? That's not true. I mean I'm a nice person. I have the same looks as you so that has to be a good sign."

"Or it could be a transformation jutsu." He swung his sword at me which I was able to dodge, luckily.

He was fast but I had to be much faster. I fought the group one by one but the boy who looked like me didn't go down. He just kept swinging out me until he finally cut a few strands of my hair.

He stopped swinging all of a sudden, "Stop!"

Everyone listened and stopped attacking me. I didn't run away. They could have the answers I need.

"You..." The boy took a long pause before speaking again, "You are a Senju?"

I shook my head, "I don't know."

The boy was in deep thought while some others looked at me and others still ready to attack. After finally making a decision the boy said, "Leave. We will spare you today but if you come back again I will show no mercy."

I nodded and left. It seemed cowardly to retreat like that but I was outnumbered by a group of powerful people. Even though I am powerful myself I can't defeat all of them.

I need to know more about them. I need to know more about me.

(Madara x reader) Reader style; Fall in love with me jutsu!💕Where stories live. Discover now