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I once more began to open my eyes. The room wasn't bright but wasn't entirely dark either. Exactly where am I?

"Y/n?" I turn my head and see Tobirama and Hashirama.

I try my best getting up but my body felt sore all over. It was as if a big wave was pulling me down, preventing from me getting up.

"Don't get up yet. Save your strength for later."
Hashirama said to me.

"What happened?" I say groggily. My voice sounded like a man's voice that had been through a deep puberty stage.

"You fainted. You attacked and you fainted."

As soon as he said that I felt a horrible gurgling coming from my stomach. Bleh. Blood came out of my mouth in a huge splash. I was shocked. Hashirama was shocked. Tobirama was shocked. We all were shocked.

"Y/n!" Tobirama cried out my name.

Hashirama quickly grabbed a nearby cloth to wipe my mouth. Hashirama also took my blanket since it was covered in blood for a new one.

Tobirama was with me now, "I'm sorry." He said.

I thought that Tobirama hated me but he doesn't. I thought he would leave me but he didn't. Was I wrong? Was the man who hated Uchiha's all his life, saying sorry to a girl who was actually raised by Uchiha's?

"It's not your fault." I used my strength and put my hand on Tobirama's head. I stroked my hand through his milky hair.

"Why did you save me? I'm only a captive. I have no reason for you to save me."

"That's not true, Y/n. I couldn't save you. I can't even treat you like a captive. I have never disappointed my father like this, ever."

I felt a pang go through my chest as he said those words. It hurt me as he continued to lower himself. I don't even know Tobirama that well but yet here we were, alone, sharing the pains we have.

"Now what you're saying is just a bunch of crap. Without you how else would I be alive on this hospital bed when you're right here protecting me. Also, even though I don't have much experience myself I know that your father cares about you that's why he beat me."
Another council of blood and air suffocated me.

"Hold Y/n." Tobirama got a cloth and wiped my chin.

"When you get better, I promise that I'll take you far away so no one can hurt you again."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you're Y/n. You're too precious to be apart of the Senju's, Uchiha's and from the others. I will protect you because I want to. No questions asked."

Although I was confused I still kept my mouth shut. I was getting tired. I wasn't feeling like arguing or talking back. Whatever was going on in his head right now is probably a mess.

I slowly fell back into my only comfort, the darkness.

Tobirama's POV

I raised my head to see Y/n asleep. I feel bad that I couldn't protect her but yet I also feel bad for not doing my job.

I want to protect her so that way nothing can hurt her. Did she really make a bad influence on me? Should I just let her go?

I want to keep her away from the Senju's and away from the Uchiha's. Luckily Hashirama and I took her to a secret Senju base to rest her here. When she gets better we'll let her go. Let her go somewhere far away from here.

"Tobirama." My brother came back with a new gown and new sheets for Y/n.

"She fell asleep." I told Hashirama.

"Oh. Then she'll have to change these later." Hashirama grabbed another chair and sat down.

"About Y/n. We can't keep her no more, Hashirama. If we have her near us any long we will lose our father. After she gets better let's send her away, far away from them Senju's and the Uchiha's. Somewhere to be safe."

Hashirama just stared at the ground dazed but he was still listening as he was nodding he head in agreement.

"I agree. She needs to go when she is done healing. But as for who is going to watch her, I say it's best to not leave her alone. Today I'll go to father and reason with him. Stay here and watch Y/n."

I nod my head. Hashirama got up and went away.

Why was I keeping this girl safe? Why did my heart skip when I saw her but ache when I see she's in pain? Why is it that she is here in the first place? Do I have feelings for her?

I reach my hand towards Y/n's face. I continuing reaching for her until I realize what I'm doing. I quickly retreat my hand away from her face. What was this girl doing to me?

??? POV

"It seems that it's almost time." A dark voice in the shadows said.

The shadow was in a dark hidden place where no one would find it. No one could enter or exit. No food or water. Everything was just silent. No wind would even enter the hiding place. Everything was still.

"Yes it is. Almost time for the revival. If we can get those two brothers to end one another then it will be only a matter of time before we can end just one of them and start the passage of time."

"For now, watch over those Uchiha boys. They might end up having to be apart of this thing after all."

I will probably update another chapter if I can by Thursday. If not, then that means that I'm on vacation again. I'm going on another camping trip so worst case scenario I won't be able to update in a week. Please be patience with me, I will update soon hopefully.

(Madara x reader) Reader style; Fall in love with me jutsu!💕Where stories live. Discover now