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I wake up with fright written all over my face. My sudden action stirs my partner who doesn't wake up, thankfully.

I rub my eyes and get a clearer vision of bedroom. Everything in the dream felt real and I can remember almost every detail. It was pretty scary. I look at my partner's sleeping face. I quickly lay back down and accidentally wake him up a bit.

"Y/n." He murmurs making me smile. He puts his arm around me making me feel safe.

"Madara." I wrap my arm around him too and nuzzle myself closer to him.

A few hours pass by and it is already nine o'clock in the morning. Madara is wide awake and doing that stupid smirk of his at me.

"What?" I question him.

"Nothing. You're just so cute." He pokes my cheek making me get out of bed quickly. When I am done using the bathroom I opened th door to see him still doing that stupid smirk of his.

"Are you ready for today's appointment?" I groan but a happy groan. Is there even such a thing as a happy groan?

"Why did you wake up so early this morning?" 

He was talking about how earlier I woke up from my bad dream.

"Oh. I woke up from a bad dream." 

"What was it about?" He asks me.

"Well, I had a dream that you, me, and Izuna were all younger. We did some cool stuff but then I saw Tobirama and Hashirama."

"You were dreaming about them?" The way he said 'them' sounded more like a threat.

"What's wrong with dreaming about them? They're my brothers. In my dream though, they weren't my brothers. Instead we were all at war with each other. I don't remember what happened after that but then I saw my aloe vera plant and this orange."

"Maybe your pregnancy hormones are kicking in again?"

"Maybe?" The dream felt real and it was really scary in my opinion.

"You know your dream sounds like our childhood."

Madara was right. Our families did not get along until Hashirama and Madara met in Middle School, then Madara met and soon fell in love. I was soon in a car accident with my family and was in a coma for about a month and during that month Madara was always by my side. When I got out of high school we immediately got married because Madara is so persistent. I soon realized that I was pregnant in my first year of college which surprised our families as much as the day when Madara wanted to date and marry me. Madara wasn't so surprised I was pregnant though, stupid rascal.

"Get ready because you're driving." I look in my closet for one of Madara's shirts since they are big enough for me and my big belly which is only 7 months. The shirt is still big since I'm small.

"If you didn't have a baby I would take you on right now." I smack his head. I may be small and pregnant but that doesn't mean I'm still deadly.

"Hurry up because the appointment starts at ten sharp." I head downstairs and start making some cereal for the both of us. We're in a bit of a rush and everyone wants to know what gender our baby is since Madara and I haven't told what it is yet. We wanted to wait until the baby shower to tell everyone.

-Time Skip-

The baby shower was going to start today at twelve at Madara's parents place which he was not as excited about it as me. When we arrived we saw Izuna already there. 

"Madara!" Izuna ran towards Madara but Madara dodged the hug. 

"Stay away from me and my wife!" Madara's jealousy is kicking in again, it's probably the tenth time today.

"Hi Izuna." We both hug each other making Madara punch Izuna in the gut.

"Won't you die already?" 

"Not until I've seen my niece or nephew's face."

Madara tsks' at his response. A few minutes pass and the whole family is here. Everyone was either glaring at each other or having "fun". I know the only way to calm them down was by finally revealing the gender.

"Okay! I'm going to reveal the gender!" Everybody is quiet.

"So the babies gender is a boy. We're having twins!" Twins are rare in genetics but it's still in our blood.

"Oh, so that means that-" My father in law covers Izuna's mouth.

"Congratulations is what he meant to say." Father in law says.

"Thats what I thought." Madara glares at Izuna.

"What are you going to name them?" Hashirama smiles at me while saying it.

"I don't know yet but maybe I'll look at some past names that could be suitable."

Madara walks up to me and hugs me.

"I love you Madara."

"I love you too. Also you need to stop reading those crazy romance books, you have a husband you know? They're starting to fill your head with crazy dreams."

"Not a chance."

Okay, I know what you guys are thinking, "The author just said that chapter 23 was the last chapter, how come there is another chapter?"

Well because I'm such a gracious author I have decided for you guys to have a better ending than with you guys as dead so be thankful also because I know I will regret the ending I have written so enjoy.

(Madara x reader) Reader style; Fall in love with me jutsu!💕Where stories live. Discover now