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Y/n's POV

I ran as far as I could, as far as my legs could take me. I ran and ran leaving no trails because that was how quick I was going.

"Madara... Izuna..." I said while panting. I suddenly felt myself drop.

I closed my eyes because for some reason I thought it would hurt less when I hit the floor if I just did close my eyes. For some reason instead of hitting the floor I felt two soft blocks hold me. I was so tired to fight back that none of my muscles would move.

Where ever this person was taking me, I would probably escape or something. What ever it was I would get out of it eventually.


I woke up expecting to be in a dark room or heaven but didn't expect to be in a nice room. I slowly got up from my bed and saw no one.

I got up from my bed but felt something tug on my wrist. It was a chain cuff on my wrist that was attached to the wall. I waited for what seemed like hours until the door to the room opened. I didn't move. A boy with long hazel hair moved towards me and another boy had white hair.

"Sorry that we chained you up." Said the hazel haired boy. He waved his hand and the chain turned into wood going back inside the wall.

I was impressed. I've never seen anything like that before.

"Um, who are you?" I questioned. I suddenly realized that I shouldn't have questioned them when the white haired boy almost punched me. The white haired boy was held back by the hazel haired boy.

"Stay down, Tobirama. We just have to ask her some questions." When I catch the white haired boy's name I suddenly look up and see that his white hair and red eyes are like mine. He was the boy I saw many weeks ago.

"Excuse me but we need to ask you some questions." I nod my head. If I reveal I'm from the Uchiha clan they might kill me so I have to lay low.

"What's your name?"

"Y/n." I respond. If I tell them a fake name I'll just forget.

"Where do you come from?"

"I come from the East." That is such a smart answer.

"Which clan are you from?"

"Uh.." I almost said Uchiha. I couldn't say it though so I had to think of something quick.

"My brother asked you a question." Roared the boy, Tobirama, I believe.

"I-I don't come from any clan." I hang my head down. It was true. I don't know what clan I come from and I don't know what to do since I don't have a clan.

"Are you a shinobi?"

I couldn't lie about this one. I believe that one of them had been the one to have caught me when I fell last night, "I am trained as one."

The boys stood a little silent for awhile until, for once, the white haired male said calmly, "Are you a spy?"

"No." I said.

"We'll be right back so stay here." The two boys left the room leaving me by myself.


3rd person POV

Tobirama closed the door after taking one last look at the girl in the room.

"Brother this girl is definitely a spy." said Tobirama.

"But she said she wasn't. Why would a spy who's in the middle of the forest, run away to who knows where?" At that moment Tobirama paled. 'That's exactly what a spy does.' thought the boy.

"Besides the girl is definitely different. No one can just have white hair and red eyes like you. But she doesn't have the type of chakra we possess. Judging from what I told her she probably must've been trained to be a spy but found out to her dismay and ran away." Hashirama said with his finger and thumb at his chin.

"She said she came from the East which is mostly commoner villages. She couldn't work for the Uchiha since they come from the North." Tobirama stated.

The two boys thought hard on this situation. Until Hashirama came up with an idea, "We can just look and see if she is a part of our clan by looking through the date of births. If she is we can just have her back in our clan."

"If not."

"If not, then we'll just send her to the Uchiha thinking she is a Senju when she'll actually be working for us as a spy. They will probably take her hostage and force us to forfeit when the girl has already told us all the Uchiha secrets."

Tobirama nodded. He agreed with his brothers idea but we're going to discuss it further soon with their father.

"Let's go back."



The two boys came back in the room and sat next to the bed I was sitting on.

"We've come to a decision. We want you to stay in this room until we confirm some things and then you'll be on your way to who knows where." said the cheerful hazel haired boy.

"My name is Hashirama and this boy here is Tobirama. We will let you get some rest for tomorrow's interrogation."

They both left the room. I sat there on the bed thinking that this won't be over anytime soon and lay my head down on the pillow.

I must get out soon and tell Madara and Izuna about what happened. Master is probably treated as a traitor while I'm here laying my head down on a pillow as a coward.

*Grooowwwwllll* I heard a strange growling sound.

I think about Madara and Izuna and Master so much that my stomach is starting to grumble.

I need to get out soon for Madara, Izuna, Master and food.

(Madara x reader) Reader style; Fall in love with me jutsu!💕Where stories live. Discover now