🌸Part 4🌸

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The whole day in room 1-A was filled with silence and not the usual bouncy energy that it usually would be in the case that Y/n were in class. Everyone waited until the bell rang through out the empty concrete halls for the young energetic fun filled teen to walk through the sliding doors of the classroom. Everyone knew something was up when Y/n didn't show up for class like she always did. Everyone went through the rest of the day worrying and talking about Y/n.

During lunch everyone discussed how they all should go and see her after school got out. Everyone agreed on going to see her after school and dispersed from the huddle they had when they were done talking to one another.

When the bell rang throughout the long narrow halls once again, signifying the end of the school day. The whole of class 1-A packed up all of their things and then walked together to the young teens house that had not been to school once that day. When they all arrived at her front door the person in front knocked on her door.

They waited a couple seconds and then knocked again. No answer. They all thought nothing of it so they all left thinking that she was just asleep. They all went their separate ways towards their homes and went to bed thinking nothing was wrong.

The next morning they all went to school not seeing a single sign of the h/c haired female. They all only got even more uneasy when their teacher didn't show up to class either. Halfway through their homeroom Mr. Aizawa barged through the classroom doors almost breaking them off of their hinges and walked to his podium. He looked at all of his students and let out a disconsolate sigh.

Everyone watched as his eyes washed over the class like waves and sighed once more from what the students thought was from being fatigue all of the time; and never getting sleep. He straightened his posture and placed his hands atop the pillar. He gave everyone one last glance before opening his mouth.

"This school week will be put off because of a suicide of a student"

Everyone's eyes' widened in disbelief, some widened at shock. Everyone at an idea about who it could have been. All of them silently cried as their teacher just stood with a frown on his face bigger than normal. Everyone eventually got up and started packing to leave for the rest of the week.

"Before you all go, you're needed to be at the scene for what was written down on the note."

He said his melancholy voice ringing through their ears. They all nodded with tears brimming at the corners of their eyes once again. They all ran to the house with their teacher and saw police, ambulance and the bubbly, upbeat, energetic, girl that when she walked into a room she made everything feel better, being carried out of the house on a stretcher with a white sheet on top of her body. The girls hid their heads into the guys' chest's and cried seeing her stiff pail petite body.

Only if they had seen through her façade like real friends, yet they didn't.


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