🌸Part 6🌸

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🌸Third Person View🌸

The class of 1-A looked in horror as they saw the bathroom, the bathroom was beautiful, with petals from various different flowers scattered around beautifully. They all stood in awe at the sight but knew that the truth behind it. They all looked at the scenery where their friend, the kindest girl they knew, had died.

Aizawa has talked to all the students in the class 1-A and they all agreed that they would look at the pictures of Y/n when she was found.

The pictures didn't have any blood in the shot because she wasn't hurt in the average suicide. She didn't slit her wrists, she didn't hang herself, she didn't chug a bottle of pills. She let herself die by living out her days and never saying that she was dying. Or how much pain she was in.

The pictures were of elegance that surrounded her. Her hair framed her face in the most pure way, her eyes were fluttered closed in a gentle manner, her posture was straight but her head was tilted to the right slightly. She had dry tear marks, and yet she was still smiling, even through all of the pain.

Her out fit was a plain white tee shirt underneath a jean shorts romper. She wore a pair of white all stars with a dark plain navy blue beanie that sat on her head that slouched backwards slightly, with a pink periwinkle resting on her ear which only added to her beauty.

Her beauty was impeccable and incomparable to anything they all had ever seen. They teared up at the sight of her smile, at the fact that even in pain she still smiled.

They all stood and cried at the pictures. They all felt terrible for never noticing her pain.

Aizawa felt a pang in his heart. He couldn't watch them cry or even look at
the girl he watched grow up.
He tapped Iida's shoulder and signaled for him to get everyone's attention and have them follow him.

Iida said in a slightly louder voice then his usual one but not enough to shout since he was still crying slightly.

"Everyone gather around and follow Aizawa sensei"

Everyone looked to him and followed after him when he walked back out into the hallway and towards the staircase. He picked up the note that was now set on the side table and gave it to them to read.

The note was given to Kirishima who read it out loud to everyone. Kirishima slimmed over the note and started to tear up.

On the front it said 'I'm sorry' I'm very neat cursive letters.

"I don't really know how to start this letter, but I guess what I want to say is that, I'm sorry."

Kirishima took a breath to compose himself so that he didn't bust down crying while reading the note to everyone.

"I know that it's not right for me to just come to terms and let my self die, I know that I could have gotten them taken out but I didn't want to forget about all of my feelings. To Aizawa sensei, I'm sorry for not cleaning my room when you would tell me too, and I'm sorry for not going out with you more, I'm really sorry, dad."

Everyone looked at Aizawa sensei in shock. "I'm not her real father, but I was there since she was born and when her parents died when she was two, I adopted her." He said as he held back tears from falling. And then Kirishima went back to reading the piece of paper.

"To Midoriya and Todoroki, thanks so much for being my best friends, and for sticking by my side even when I was doing something stupid. So to my best friends, I'm sorry. To Tsuyu, thanks for giving me memories that will last a life time, and also, thanks for teaching me how to swim, it was fun and even though I didn't learn how, I still had fun, and I hope you did too."

"To everyone else, thank you all for being my friend and making the life that I lived fun, exciting, and always sitting in the edge of my seat. But time goes by and I know that you'll all move on eventually."

"To these people you have a separate note In my room on my desk as well as the note I want Aizawa to read a my funeral: Bakugo, Todoroki, Midoriya, Ashido, And Aizawa."

"Forever in memory, Y/n"

When the note was finally finished they all sat and stared at the students who had their names called for a second note.


the flowers from you || 𝐊. 𝐁𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐆𝐎Where stories live. Discover now