Chapter Seven: The Rescue

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Jasper's Point of View

Jasper could think of nothing but Myra, walking out of Dorgon for the first time in five years. There would be no chance for him to speak to her; at least, no chance for him to say anything he wished to. With that burning crown on her head, he could tell her nothing.

Myra would continue to hate him, as she had done the past five years. So, he was enjoying a great fit of self-pity and he curled up in his room with his favourite, most tragic book and did his best to avoid the return of the woman he loved.

"You could do something other than moan around, making sad puppy dog eyes at Myra Isidore and being generally despondent, you know." Lysandra clucked.

"I haven't seen Myra in five years," Jasper snapped. "I certainly haven't the opportunity to make 'sad puppy dog eyes' at her."

"What about long, mooney glances? I'm sure you've managed plenty of those."

"For Sun's Sake, Lysandra, the girl I love is enslaved to a monster and you're making jokes about mooney glances!"

"And back to self-pity," the princess sighed. "You know, instead of weeping about yourself, how about you think of the girl you claim to love."

"What if it were Aaron wearing that burning crown?" He asked her. "How would you feel?"

"I would feel like doing something," she hissed. "Not moping like a child."

"Are you honestly calling me a child? You're barely older than I am."

"Enough squabbling," Talia hissed, not bothering to knock. "Medea's made her move. How do we counter?"

"Our forces are positioned in the southeastern mountains of Miras. Tarua Teris, the valkyrie warriors, the Second Army and the Silver Guard and Court." Jasper summed up. "Zerena, a reasonably major city, is positioned nearby. Azul is north, Topaz is just south, and Citrine is to the west."

"We're not ready to take a city yet. There are a lot of things that need to

happen before we do that." Lysandra gave them a meaningful look. "We have plans in place that need to come into fruition."

"Okay, I'm getting to it," Jasper protested, and at the same time Talia went red and said:

"It's not that easy, given nobody trusts me. Jasper has it easy. He, at least, is human."

"When everything comes in place, we want to have made a start," Lysandra said firmly. "In Miras, at least, if not Asriel."

"We've been smuggling valkyries out of the cities," Jasper said slyly. "What if we could get elfin healers out of the Draining facilities?"

"We'll certainly need them in the war to come," Lysandra muttered. "I'll get the details to the rebellion. You might just have come up with a decent idea, Jasper Merson."



"Why can't she just supply what we want? I'm still waiting on the files for the assassination attempt, and now she's concocting a rescue attempt-somewhat, ingenious, definitely vital-without any consultation." Nala muttered to herself. "Someone needs to remind she doesn't run the rebellion."

"I'm not volunteering for that task," one of the others chuckled.

"And then-and then! -she has the audacity to get herself involved in my private matters, hinting that I should talk to my nephew! The nerve of it! My relationship with Jasper is my private matter. It is certainly none of her-or anyone else's for that matter-business."

"Lysandra Crimson is a force of nature," one of her spies said sagely. "She answers to no one, thinks of nothing but herself, causing destruction and wrecking havoc without the slightest concern for those involved."

"She's nosy, meddling, interfering and frustratingly intelligent." Nala rambled on. "But she does have a point. The elfin healers could make a major difference in the war. Oh, well. I needed to pay a visit to Asriel anyway."

"Who do we bring?" The spy asked nervously.

"Tarua Teris-the assassins. A few from the Silver Guard. The valkyries who've been taking the children from the cities. You know the sort-the sneaky ones. The ones that can get in and out of a high security building without getting caught. I'll talk with Kestra and Zara before we make our move."


"No valkyries are going out there," Kestra said firmly. "You gave us nothing for the novices we brought in, we will give nothing for the healers."

"The healers are serving both of our countries!" Zara yelled.

"And the novices we are training will serve us both as well. They will fight with your elves on the battlefield. They will fight for both of us to be free. The healers will serve both of our soldiers just fine. But if this is a rescue attempt-and do not try to contradict me by saying it isn't-then what we did for our people, was also a rescue attempt. A rescue attempt you refused to aid us in. So, I will not permit a valkyrie warrior to die doing what you would not do for us."

"Please, Kestra," Nala begged. "Our old grudges must be put aside."

"This is not an old grudge," she said calmly. "Nor is it the result of a feud between my people and the elves. It is simply a line in the sand. None of us will bleed more than the others. I would not expect the elves to do so for me and mine, so I cannot be expected to do so for them and theirs."

"I'll help, damn you!" Zara bellowed. "For the next mission, I'll send soldiers."

"As will I," Maia added.

"I should hope so. The fact remains that my people are spread thin, and I am unable to aid your cause. Especially with Rose away. Tell me: what difference would a few of my warriors have made?"

"Little," Zara admitted begrudgingly.

"Exactly. You wanted our aid because you want to feel you are coming off better in this war." Kestra snapped. "Our peoples are enslaved-and you're still playing power games."

Zara turned pleadingly to Nala.

"We need Tarua Teris-only humans can enter a Kallian building." Nala dipped her head slightly.

"I have the right spies who can aid you. And assassins to get the healers out. Can you spare a MindWeaver?"

"Of course. Why?"

"I have plans for them," she said, with a little smirk.

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