Chapter Twenty-Seven: How to Cheat A Duel

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Jasper was very much tired of dealing with this man.

"Why do you want mint in his food?"

"That's my own business," he replied tightly. "This is a no questions asked job."

"He requests no traces of mint in his food or drinks. My job could be at risk for giving him that much."

"And?" Jasper asked.

"I'll need compensation." The waiter said eagerly. Jasper gave a pointed look at the three glittering coins on the table.

"That's compensation,"he ground out. The man only raised his eyebrows petulantly.

Jasper dropped another coin on the table.

"Well, it was nice speaking with you," he smiled. "I'll consider your offer and get back to you in a couple of days."

"Get back to me? That's a month's salary!"

"I'm an honourable man," the waiter replied. "I'd hate to betray my customers and my boss."

"You've taken a hundred jobs like this before," Jasper snapped.

"I believe you've mistaken me for someone else." The waiter replied. "I don't do this sort of work."

Jasper plopped another coin on the table. The man shook his head. Sighing, he slid another one onto the counter. At last, the waiter snapped them up eagerly and held his hand out for the mint.

"Source your own," Jasper said, shaking his head with disgust. "I've paid for the mint right here."

The man grumbled assent.

Jasper said grumpily, about two hours later:

"You told me he'd take a quarter of what I just paid."

"Did you go to see Antony?" Lysandra asked, narrowing her eyes suspiciously.

"He said his name was Mark?" Jasper shrugged.

"You went to see his brother, then."Lysandra sighed. "Twice the price, half the manners."

"How was I to tell them apart? All you gave me was black hair and brown eyes."

"I trusted that after all this time, you'd be able to tell the difference between someone who could be bribed and someone who couldn't be."

"Oh, he could be bribed all right." Jasper grumbled. "He just needed five silvers for a simple task."

Lysandra goggled at him. "Mark? You could have managed it for half the price. You're a terrible haggler, Jasper Merson.'


"I'm going to challenge General Woods tomorrow," Jasper told Hadlow, who was not too happy after his recent return from his battle with the

"You're going to lose," Hadlow replied, narrowing his eyes.

"Have a little more faith in me, old man," Jasper chuckled.

"I'll have more faith in you when you deserve it, young ankle- biter." Silence. "I'm assuming you've made contact with the right people and made sure he's debilitated before the fight?"

"I'm hurt, Hadlow." Jasper said, faking shock as well as he could. How long had he known? Would he report everything to Medea?"

"Oh, don't bother yourself lying," Hadlow chuckled. "I know very well what goes on before these fights. Do you think we choose our generals based on who can punch better? Of course not. We choose them from who's head contains some evidence of brains."

"He's allergic to mint," Jasper said, pinking.

"Haha!" Hadlow laughed. "Brilliant. I'll convey your challenge to Wood, boy. And I'll bring popcorn to the match."

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