Chapter Two Part Two: Princess Turned Rebel

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Five Years Previously


Nala was waiting for her by the café where she had once held a knife to Lysandra's throat. "Hello," the rebel sighed, her face bearing a new set of angry red scars.

Nala was clearly holding on to life by a thread. Her clothes were threadbare and road-weary; her usually vivacious eyes pale and tired. The wild auburn hair that she once bore so proudly was matted. A sense of hopelessness clung to her.

Lysandra, on the other hand, was victorious. A new diadem glittered with rubies on her raven black hair. If Nala noticed that her green eyes were now black as night, she didn't comment. Those, too, were a sign of victory. A desperate gamble that ended in triumph.

The two women embraced and clung on tight to one another.

"So, you got out of your grounding again," Nala said at last.

"Let's just say I got out of grounding period. Also, it's not grounding."

"It's your paranoid, half-insane mother locking you up because she's afraid you're plotting to kill her."

An awkward silence filled the air.

"I'd say I was sorry about everything, but..." Lysandra trailed off. "I guess it just wouldn't sound sincere."

"And I'd say I was happy for you, but..." Nala smiled. "I guess that would sound pretty insincere too."

"Well," Lysandra sighed. "I'm glad you're not dead. Though I shouldn't be."

"I'm glad you're not dead either," Nala smirked. "Though I certainly shouldn't be. Why did you ask to meet?"

"Because I have a deal for you."

"I'm afraid I'm not in a good position to be granting wishes, Lysandra."

"I know. I want to offer my services as a spy for your rebellion."

"And what do you want in return?"

"I cannot kill Medea. Or at least, I can't be seen to. If I kill her, there will be hundreds who want my blood. I need to simply...inherit the throne."

"Do you have any idea how long we have been trying to put that woman in the grave? It's not going to be easy."

"And I am going to help you do it, believe me. I just need you to physically-and publicly-end her life. That way I can take the throne without any resistance."

"Do you think I'm just going to let you waltz onto the throne? I might like you, Lysandra, but I won't put all that effort into killing Medea to let her daughter replace her."

"Firstly, that's hurtful. Secondly, it won't be like that. Your pesky little rebellion-"

"Who you're now relying on to take the throne-"

"Can have the Southern State." Lysandra continued, ignoring Nala. "I have the North. I'll even be generous and give you the Midlands. Along with a lasting alliance with the newly crowned Crimsith Empress."

"Sometimes I want to punch you." Nala sighed, breathing in deeply as she considered her ally-enemy-friend's offer. "You do know how much convincing this is going to take to get my people to agree?"

"Of course."

"And that if you go around chopping off heads however you please, I cannot be held responsible for my rebellion howling for your blood?"


"And that by aiding us, you'll also be aiding the valkyries and the elves."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."




And now Nala stood before Lysandra, wondering if this had been a bad idea after all.

"Myra. Layla." She said simply.

"What about them?" The princess asked, narrowing her eyes at Nala. She gulped.

"Well, we were wondering if you might get them out of Dorgon for us."

Lysandra set down her coffee and gave Nala a piercing glare.

"They're in Dorgon," she replied, and returned to her newspaper.

"We know," Nala smiled brittlely. "But you're the Empress's most trusted noble-"

"Technically I'm a royal-"

"And if anyone can get someone out of Dorgon, it's you."

"Anything else you want? Any interest in me destroying the Witch Walls? Maybe you want me to magic up a faerie or a unicorn?"

"No. I just want the Elfin Queen and the Valkyrie General."

"I'll see what I can do. But I'm not promising anything. Understand?"


"Good girl." Lysandra smiled and patted her on the head.

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