As usual, my mother came to fetch me for morning lessons. Today's next boring topic is about our family tree. I presume we will end up talking about Kingstrium. I don't know why we are starting it so early I'm not eighteen for another month. I'm assuming Kingstrium will be before my eighteenth. But as my mother always says, "To be prepared is to be Queen." What a load of crap. Of all things in this world, why did I have to be made royal.
"Good morning Queen Liara," my teacher says giving a courtesy. My mother bows her head a little enough for her crown to slip a bit. She lifts her head up.
"Good morning to you as well. Aurora, I will see you after for training," she says with a staring face. She knows I despise training unless it is with other trainees. She slowly walks out of the classroom.
"My little Rori, let us review the courts of your kingdom." Ms. Maira is a fleet. House Maira has the ability of telekinesis. Her court is one of the lower high houses but is still too powerful to be a low house.
"We shall begin with the high courts of course. List the court's name, ability, and classification." I fix my jaw in determination to remember them all. I study night after night to be prepared for Kingstrium.
"Liana, produce lightning and manipulate light, electrolights." Court Liana is the ruling court, my court. We are the only known court that can do control two abilties. "Ciana, manipulate light, shadowlights. Indra, manipulate electricity and produce small lightning, brights." I memorized those two since the are the two courts that are the closest two mine.
My teacher speaks again, "Perfect, now go to some that are close to you." I think she means the courts my mother and friends are in. I begin.
"Hadeon, obliterate anything with their minds, destrayens." My mother is apart of this court and I'd assume my sister is as well. Children almost everytime are born with their father's ability. Eveline wasn't, she has destrayen abilities. The kingdom doesn't know how to feel about her. Some pulled their sons out of Princestrium just so they couldn't marry her. Some put their sons in to just marry her, even if they didn't win her hand, they could win my other sister's hand in marriage. My two brothers are electrolights as well so every court has put forth a daughter if they have one of age to marry them. "Hali, manipulate liquid, aquarian." One of the only people I can talk to is a Hali, Narsica. We have been friends since we started training at five. "Prasine, manipulate metal, metalayers." Adrien is apart of Court Prasine, he's had a liking to me since we were small. We train together a lot, mostly at his request.
"Very good Princess, let's finish up the high courts then move on to the lows," she puts a tone when she says the lows. She takes too much liking to be apart of the high courts. I continue on. Cyrus, fire; Magnar, strength; Chalfon, morph and posses one's ability for little time; Maira, telekinesis; Velius, read and control mind. Court Velius is not allowed near my family unless a silencer is present to cancel their ability.
Before I can begin the low courts, my twin brother, Veran, comes in. He knows how much I hate lessons with Maira. He says that our mother needs me early. My kingdom follows that the first born no matter the sex, rules. Unfortunately, I was born a few minutes before Ve.
"So what craziness did Maira talk about today?" he chuckles. He looks like our father from this angle, well the younger version. Ve stands tall and proud as a king should, sometimes I wish we could rule together instead of me alone. His eyes amber and muscular toned face. Jet black hair falling everywhere, I'm assuming he hasn't run into mother yet.

My Shadow and His Flame
Fantasyinspo: Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard Aurora is the princess of Evlana kingdom. Layden isn't so high on the scale as Aurora. Their world is divided in two. The Court People and the Morers. The high court dominate their world with the low court...