Night falls. Finally.
My room the royals gave me is extravagant. Silk bed, curtains, chairs, couches. It's amazing. The amount of money my family could make from just one piece of silk back home is insane. With the plan to see my family tonight, I'm bringing a few pieces from a double layered curtain.
Instead of a closet full of crowns and jewels, I have one of medals and flame. The attire they gave me is black, red, and orange to represent the flame. My suit for tomorrow's gala is in the back of the closet, untouched.
I crack open my door to make sure no guards are walking by. I run across the hall to Rori's room and knock. The door quickly opens and she pulls me into her room. The couch out in her waiting room is full of books and papers. Probably trying to pass time.
Rori hands me a black cloak to put on, she does the same.
"Okay, keep the cloak on and always stay close to me in case we have to disappear. I have a motorcycle hidden near by we can take," she says.
"A what?" I ask her. I've never heard of a motorcycle.
She laughs a bit, "You'll see."
We leave her room to the balcony. Along the side of the walls is vines that I never noticed before. Rori swings her legs over the railing and hooks her self to the vines. She slides more to the right so there is room for me.
She holds her hand out to me, "Come on, don't be scared."
"I'm not scared," I tell her. When I swing my legs over the railing Rori laughs. I must look terrified because that's how I feel.
"Just slowly go down."
I hook myself to the vines and start. I slip once or twice and Rori puts her hand to my back. I shake her off every time. Once we are a few feet from the ground, Rori jumps down. I follow her.
"Okay put up your hood and follow me. It isn't that far," she holds her hand out to me. I gladly take it.
The breeze carries the smell of water to me. Reminds me of when Orla, Cree, and I trying to sneak into Hali quarters near the palace. Didn't get far because of how much security was in there, but it was quite the adventure.
Rori was right, the walk to the strange machinery wasn't far. When we got to the mo-tor-cy-cle, she pulled off a tarp. The tarp made it invisible? How can that be?
"Uhm Rori, how was that hidden?" I ask her.
She smiles to me, "I'm not that bad at my shadowing ability. Ve helped too. One day we were looking through the libraries during a class session. Had to do studies on our courts histories. While everyone else was learning small secrets and their grandparents, Ve and I learnt how to turn our shadowing ability into something real. To be able to turn something invisible.
"Ciana had leant the same so a girl Lila helped. It was quite fun actually. So when I started wanting to see the world, I made a tarp to cover this cycle," she finishes. Smiling her way through the entire conversation.
Behind the machine, she grabs two black helmets and hands one to me.
"Here. Don't need to hurt that pretty little head of yours," she tells me. I'm glad its dark, otherwise she'd see the blush rushing to my face.
"So how does this thing work?" I ask. She responds with kicking the life to the thing.
"Like that. Now get on behind me," I listen. "Put your arms around my waist."
"I'm new to this, but isn't this the other way around?" I ask.
She lets out a small laugh, "Don't let this ruin your masculinity, Layd."
Layd? That's a new one. I've never really had a nickname. Nothing really fit. Hearing it from her, it seems perfect.
The ride to my sector is roughly an hour. We took a stop near Makani, where we met. The strange feeling I get with her hit again then.
Finally, we reach the buildings. We reach my home.
The small, narrow brown house in front of me. Mushed next to so many identical homes filled with families of all sorts.
I hesitate walking up the steps. So much has happened since I last saw my family. I wonder how much they know, how much they were told.
I knock.
My father opens the door within seconds. Shock fills his face as my mother scrambles behind him. Tears fill her eyes as she slams into embracing me.
"Layden! Oh how we have missed you. Come in, come in," my mother ushers.
Zai and Cora come down the steps. They both come running to join the hug, so does my father. Alya, late as ever, comes down groggily.
"What's all the noise Ma," Alya says while rubbing her eyes. She looks up and runs to me too. "Layden!"
Rori stand in the door way watching.
"What do you guys know?" I ask my family.
Cora speak up first, "Some guards showed up a few days ago saying you got some promotion as a palace guard. Said you needed to stay there for the Courtlies and the king picking thingy. Yesterday another came saying they needed to take you in, but they wouldn't tell why. People in Velius were speaking of attacks at the palace. What-what happened."
"Who's she?" Alya asks. Rori smiles.
"Uhm well, its a lot. Lets sit down," I tell them. They listen.
I explain everything from becoming the Princess' guard, the attacks, being exposed, and sparing them the knowledge of a kiss or too.
"Lord? What happens to us? You can't leave us my sweet," Ma says.
"I don't know the details myself," I tell her with tears. "I don't think they know either. But I know that I will be with them for forever. Tired to the royal court in some way or another."
"They can't take you from us," Zai says.
"There has to be something else," Dad says.
"I don't know. I wish I did," I say.
Aly asks again, "Who's she?"
I start, but Rori cuts in, "I'm Rori. Layden's guard for when he becomes officially tied."
Alya frowns.
"We should get back soon. Its an hours drive and I don't want a random bed check," Rori says.
Ma embraces me again, "Please figure a way to see us. I can't lose a child of mine."
"I will, don't worry."
I finish the goodbyes, sheading many tears, and head off back to the palace. Back to a life where I am a stranger even to myself.
When we reach the palace and throw the tarp back onto the motorcycle, Rori speaks.
"The gala is tomorrow. Wanna be my date?" she asks.
"Don't you have to dance with all of your suitors," I tell her.
"Well yeah but, I still need someone to escort me into the ballroom," she says looking up to me.
I smile, "Of course I'll be your date."
A small kiss occurs, the feeling of flame bursts from me.
Yikes! sorry for another break. i was on writers block and my brain was fried. school is tmr ew haha. pls vote/like!!

My Shadow and His Flame
Fantasyinspo: Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard Aurora is the princess of Evlana kingdom. Layden isn't so high on the scale as Aurora. Their world is divided in two. The Court People and the Morers. The high court dominate their world with the low court...