Skonels and aireiens wait outside my door when I awake. My personal healer, Amethyst Chiron, and usual makeup artist, Neil Makani, are here for today. My usual duo to make me look the part on this dreadful day.
Amee brings me my Kingstrium dress which is marvelous. A deep royal blue ballgown with the ends fading into a blinding white. Blue lightning bolts shoot down into the white signifying my ability. The top is a cut-out back with lace covering the exposing skin. A V-neck neckline with bolts of white from the sides. They really outdid themselves for this event.
For a crown, it is my usual one but more gems are added to look more superior. More deadly.
They never use much makeup on me, say that I have a natural beauty and with my ability I naturally glow. I don't truly see it, I see a normal girl that just so happens to be born royal.
Just a few short hours until I have to walk out into that arena, give a short speech, then sit and watch people show off their ability for hours. I just hope I am able to talk to Layden during it all.
My mother and father step out together, announced by Court Troyen's lords. As they wave and take their thrones, my name is announced.
"Her royal highness, future queen of Evlana, Princess Aurora Liana," the crowd screams as my name is called.
"You ready to go Rori?" Layden says to me showing off his adorable smirk.
I straighten up and turn towards the arena, "Now, lets get this over with." I walk out of the curtains with Layden at my side.
The crowd roars as I step out, lights beaming, shadowlights throwing beams of light from all sorts of colors. I go to take my throne next to my mother. The rest of my siblings follow with their new guard at their side. Eve and Lainey walk out hand in hand with their guards following. How adorable. We are all seated then Lord Troyen calls for my parents to give their speech. I know that I am the next to give a speech to the crowd. It consists of thanking their people for coming tonight blah blah. Only one thing they say stays with me, what my mother said. "Dreams are foolish to be wished upon," she says turning towards me. I can't tell why she looked at me for that.
My speech is quick, nothing memorable. Short and sweet so we can begin the horrors. Lord Troyen steps back out to the center. "Citizens of Evlana, I welcome you to our first in a long time, Kingstrium!" he says loudly. Court people roar again, hoping for their child to become royalty or just a powerful child. Court Audra stands with their children at the bottom center. He speaks again, "Let us begin! Starting with Court Audra, bring down your children and show Court Liana everything you've got!"
And so it begins.
Hudson Audra, is the first boy to go for my hand. Audra's abilities have similarities to mine since they can conjure up a storm of any kind, like a lightning storm. He starts with the lightning storm unsurprisingly. This begins the long afternoon.
This has to be one of the longest Kingstriums ever. Why did my parents have to have so many children? Why did every single court have to have so many children to go for our hands?
Its been three hours and we are barely halfway through the courts. Indra is up now. A boy, Raiden, who is going for my hand shows some promise. Seems like he will be a contender. The girl Eve looks at a lot, Scarlett, is going for Bray's hand. She shows promise as well. But the youngest, Zane, will most likely be a winner. He is going for either Lainey or Eve, but I bet he has already won for Eve. Ve and I have assumed an Indra boy would win for Eve since she was "born wrong" as my father says.
More courts go with a girl from Makani and Oblivion shows some promise for Ve. I truly have no idea who will win for him. But next is Court Prasine, next is Adrien and his younger sister for Bray which is just a back up for them. They can't lose a chance to be apart of the royals. He throws metal daggers he pulls from his armor and shows so many things I've already seen. Boring.
The rest of the courts continue, Velius is up now. Court Velius is very powerful, but usually they are not allowed near the royals. But the youngest boy is so powerful for his age, there's no doubt he is a contender for Lainey. The oldest brother, for me, is just as powerful. The chances of him winning King are very low though.
Finally, Court Wren is up to end this horrific evening.
As the last child of Court Wren, Ethan, finishes showing his ice ability, a boy going for Eve or Lainey's hand. Lord Troyen steps back out to the center as Cyrus and Hali lords melt then remove the water from the arena. It is roughly half past six. The gala is to begin at 7:30 or 8 I can't remember.
"Thank you all for showing the Liana family your amazing gifts. In an hour, we will all meet in the grand ball room for the Kingstrium Gala," he speaks to the crowd.
As he finishes, my family and I stand to leave. We each go down the few steps and bow or curtsey. My father bows then starts to step away as my mother steps down. I follow her with Ve at my side, Layden behind me. When our feet touch the floor, a loud sound goes off. The ground shakes and some of the sides of the boxes start to fall.
Its an attack.
Court Delphia is gone. The fortures are gone, ran away or apart of the attack I don't know. We could have no warning with them gone.
Court Oblivion is half empty, they have to be apart of the attack. Bombs. It was a bomb. Most low courts boxes have members missing. Possibly one for Hadeon but I can't tell. A low court attack, but why Oblivion too?
Ve grabs my arm to run. The exit is at the other side of the arena. Layden and Ve's guard, a fleet, are on our other sides. Our parents are already out of sight but Bray and Lainey have their guards next to them as well. I can't find Eve. Eve. EVELINE! Where is she? My parents had to of gotten her. She must've followed them. She's okay.
We start to run. When we get halfway through the arena, more bombs hit and a collection of court people start to come at us. Eyes locked on Ve. Ve? Why Ve?
Our guards stand in front of us, Layden right in front of Ve and I. A single mimso starts to pull a blue bolt from themselves, my bolts. Before they could get any closer, a huge firewall appears in front of us.
Layden has his arms above his head and swipes more to surround us in a circle of fire. My siblings and their guards stare at him. So do I. Confused on how my guard is a fearion without any source of fire. A fearion without their special eye color.
"Layden, why did you do that," I whisper. I look up at him and he looks down to me. Afraid. Afraid of what he just showed every court person and the royals. He looks around to see who he had just shown this to.
He looks back to me with a slight smile, "I guess dancing is gonna have to wait."
Yes I know this chapter was longer but its Kingstrium! Hope you enjoyed this chapter since it is THE chapter. The next few will be vital and this is the part of the story where things get a move on. Please like this story and comment :)

My Shadow and His Flame
Fantasyinspo: Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard Aurora is the princess of Evlana kingdom. Layden isn't so high on the scale as Aurora. Their world is divided in two. The Court People and the Morers. The high court dominate their world with the low court...