The light beams into my room, it's too early for this. I move my hand to direct the sunlight elsewhere. Then I realize.
Kingstrium is tomorrow.
Rehearsals are today, that means I'll have to deal with some court people. More so the ones that a farther away since its a longer journey to arrive, they like to come early. I am unsure of them all but I know of Primree Natrilings, Raven Animins, Wren Floes (ice), and Hali Aquarins.
Although today is supposed to be exciting, the only thing I can think of is Reed, the red lightning boy. I can't believe we had searched and searched for him to end up only getting a glimpse of him as we left.
No matter how much I want to focus on seeing Reed again, I have to go to rehearsals for Kingstrium.
Layden and I take ourselves to the arena. The room is finished with decorations that look stunning. Few of the boxes have people in them as most courts won't arrive until tomorrow morning. Only a couple courts I didn't know would be here are here. Lynx Animosos, Chiron Skonels, and Imizo Mimsos. Most skonels were already here but their parents arrived as well.
The day is long, going through how things will happen and when each suitor will present their ability. I counted 10 boys for Eve and Lainey, 8 girls for Bray, and 13 girls for Ve. 15 boys for me. My god. The only courts that don't have sons for me is my own, my mothers, and my grandmothers. Then there is Troyen and Chiron since they aren't allowed to marry into the royal family because we will always need them at hand. Pretty rude if you ask me.
I just know tomorrow will be dreadful. The low courts are even trying for my hand knowing the highest courts only have a shot. Unfortunately, it looks like Adrien will be my betrothed unless one of the higher houses shows more strength than him. We'll just have to see.
Rehearsals finally finish. Layden takes me to my chambers as I am exhausted.
"I heard there's a dance after the whole showing off thing happens. Is that correct?" Layden speaks to me.
"It is. Each of my siblings and I dance with each of the suitors then dance with who we please. Why do you ask?"
"I don't know if guards get to dance, but I know I won't be. I've never danced before," I stand in front of him.
"You have never ever danced before? That's crazy talk," I stare at him and he chuckles.
"In my village, the closest thing we got to a dance is weddings where we jumped around without any music most of the time."
"That is completely depressing," I say as we start back to my chambers.
We reach my room and give each other our goodnights. Although I do plan on seeing him again tonight.
I can't let Layden go into a dance without knowing how to. I planned on having a dance with him after I am down with the suitors. He must learn, I have to teach him. Kingstrium is tomorrow so tonight is the only way.
I find myself at my desk writing a note on a small piece of paper then sneaking away into the night. My feet lead me to the chambers of the guards, then to Layden's.
I leave a note under Layden's door, it reads:
Meet me in the ballroom. 10 p.m.
I slip it under quick and sneak my way back to my chambers and wait. Around 9 p.m. I hear shuffling outside my door. Then a small piece of white paper appears. Quickly, I run to it and pick it up. On the same paper, it reads:
This has something to do with our last conversation, doesn't it?
See you at 10.
Time from that point felt like years. Truly the longest hour I've lived, and that's including the brutal meetings I've been in. But soon enough, 10 p.m. comes around. I dress in a simple, long silk gown. Easy to move around in. My signature blue of course, hair down, no crown, no sign of my position. Just a simple night with two normal 17 year old's dancing.
The ball room isn't too far from my chambers, farther for Layden. Since I get there early, I set up a small record player for a song to play. (O' Children)
Right as I finish setting up the player, Layden walks in. He wears black dress pants and a black button up that's tucked in. Although he dresses simple, he still looks handsome.
"A record player? Don't you courtlies have the best of the best electronics?" he says jokingly.
"Why yes, but I thought it would be nice to go old school," I smile to him.
"Old school you say. Couldn't even afford one of those back home. Had to sneak over to the neighbors to listen to a tune," he looks all around the room. His gray eyes as they glaze over every detail of the room, then back to me. "Dancing I take it?"
"Indeed we are. I couldn't have my personal guard not know how to dance for the party after Kingstrium," I walk back over to the player. The song starts and I take his hand to guide him to the center of the room.
I grab his arms, "Now place your hand here and hold my hand like this." He watches carefully committing the placement to memory. "I'll guide you with the steps, they are quite simple at the start. Once you get the beginning, everything starts to flow," I look back into his eyes and start.
A few steps in and he stumbles a bit, he looks down at his feet trying to get the steps right.
"Look at me," he looks back up, "you can't dance looking at your feet the entire time now can you?"
"I guess not," his face worries a bit but he slowly loosens up. The song gets a few minutes in and he starts to become more comfortable. He even spins me once or twice. Laughter fills the room as we twirl our way through it. He's quite beautiful for a morer I must admit.
The song slows as it comes to an end, we stop twirling. Our faces are suddenly very close and bodies touching. My right hand moves to his shoulder and his right tightens around my waist. His eyes our more beautiful than I thought. Hints of blue in his silver eyes.
Out of that night, the last thing I could remember was the feeling of his soft lips against mine.

My Shadow and His Flame
Fantasyinspo: Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard Aurora is the princess of Evlana kingdom. Layden isn't so high on the scale as Aurora. Their world is divided in two. The Court People and the Morers. The high court dominate their world with the low court...