Chapter 4

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"What's wrong?" Sophie demanded, as she barged into the Healing Center, Fitz, Biana, Dex, Tam, Linh, and Mr. Forkle struggling to keep up.

The Healing Center at least looked the same- the cots still neatly arranged in a long line, and Elwins precious shelf stocked with colorful elixers sat brewing potently against the wall.  And of course, Keefe was still stuck lying in the cot at the end of the room, his eyes closed peacefully.

But this time Sophie noticed something different. Bullhorn, Elwin's pet banshee who could sense when someone was close to dying, was sitting curled up against Keefe's side instead of under Elwin's desk as he usually was.

Which meant...

"I don't know!" Elwin shouted, looking more panicked and frazzled then Sophie had ever seen him.  The whole week he had been like a second father figure, reassuring her that Keefe would be all right.  "He was sleeping as he usually was, his vitals looked exactly the same when I checked them this morning, but sometime a few minutes ago he just shouted and Bullhorn screamed almost at the same time and they've been lying there ever since."

"It's the shadowflux," Tam said quietly, and everyone turned to him. "When I was with the Neverseen, Lady Gisela warned me about this.  After the main transformation, there'd be a period of time where his body is still adjusting.  She said that he had to get through that or else..."

"We have to do the thing," Sophie jumped in.  "I know we haven't had any practice, and we're all very underprepared but this is an all or nothing battle.  You have to fight with everything or you're better off not fighting at all."

"I'm in," Fitz said instantly, as the rest of the group echoed after him.  Even Mr. Forkle looked desperate enough not to argue.

Sophie closed her eyes, letting her concentration fizzle slowly, bubbling up like soda.  She concentrated on her echoes. The monster, so old yet so new, slowly clawed its way up her consciousness.  This was the thing she'd been fearing for so long, but now she didn't hide, or run, or try to do anything else.

She faced it, looked it in the eye.  And with the boost of warm mental energy that she vaguely noticed Fitz send, she felt the darkness shift.

Filled with confidence, and bravery.

And fear too.

But the kind of fear that told people that she wasn't the one to mess with. That she'd been through so much more than people thought. And that she'd do anything she could to help her friends.

And with that thought, her bones filled with a warm light, that felt proud and humble and brave all at the same time.

And she focused all that energy, all that confidence and fuzzy feelings right at Keefe.

Because he was Keefe Sencen.

Lord Hunkyhair. Master Prank Doer. Great Gulon Incident Causer.

And whatever expectations Lady Gisela set for him. However harsh words or cruel comments she made. Nothing could ever change him.

And as she opened her eyes, golden energy erupting in a straight beam of bright light, heading straight for Keefe-

She saw his eyes flutter open, letting in light and hope and a chance for change.

And Sophie thought her heart would burst and tear open as he asked, "Sophie?"

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