Chapter 3: Fallen Ones Attack

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Two weeks later.

Life has basically returned to normal for all the Gremorys and (F/N). They are making plans over summer break that starts in two days to all go to Hell at which time (F/N) will acquire several of his servants that have been agreed upon including Irina and Ravel. Then they will spend a lot of the time training.

"I was wondering, when we go to Hell for training are you going to be staying with the Gremorys like the rest of us," Issei asks (F/N). "No apparently Sirzechs has found some vacant land and is giving it to me since I am a high class devil now. It is kind of strange to be told I am getting my own domain. However, for this reason me and my peerage will be staying there. I still plan on going and spending time with you guys some of the days, but my peerage and I will train on our own." Rias says, "That is good. It would be fun for us to all train together. However, we are still different families after all, so we will be competing with each other at some point in Rating Games. It is best we are able to keep our secrets to ourselves." (F/N) replies, "That was basically what I was thinking. It will be nice though to get to see this domain that Sirzechs decided to get for me though. I am kind of curious about it. He also said that he had a surprise in store for me."

The night before the break and they all head to Hell.

(F/N) is in a forest. He is surrounded by snakes (one of his biggest fears). He is trying to get away from them, but they keep following him and watching him. Finally he decides to yell, "Get away from me. I don't want you here." The snakes look right up at him and don't move. He decides since they are not attacking him to give up and ignore them. He is in the forest trying to find Koneko who was abducted by her sister Kuroka. The rest of the Gremory peerage are also in the forest looking.

After what seems like an eternity (F/N) finally is able to spot Kuroka. He rushes forward only to try to save her, but is quickly struck by an attack from Bikou who was lying in wait. (F/N) doesn't see the attack coming and gets seriously injured. (F/N) is knocked to the ground and then the snakes that have been following swarm. They climb on top of him and entirely cover him. Bikou moves forward to finish (F/N) off, but when he is about to strike several of the snakes lunge at him and bite him. The poison from these bites causes Bikou to collapse. The snakes then slither towards Bikou and begin to bite him more and more until he is dead. (F/N) slowly gets up terrified by all the snakes that are around him. He exclaims at Kuroka, "Give Koneko back. She was happier before you ever showed up again." Kuroka replies, "Too bad, she is my sister. It is only fitting that she should be with me. (F/N) prepares to attack Kuroka. Before he gets very far, snakes drop out of the tree that Kuroka is standing by and attack her. They kill her. Then all of these new snakes join the others in circling around (F/N) and staring at him. Several of them start to slither towards him and curl around his legs. This terrifies (F/N) even more as he moves to go get Koneko, being very careful not to disturb any snakes that he does have to. He trips and begins to fall.

(F/N) jolts awake. He sees that he is in his bed and it is wet from his sweat. (F/N) whispers under his breath, "Of all things it just had to be snakes that I had a dream about. I hate snakes, they scare the crap out of me. Why did it have to be them? And why so many? (F/N) lies back down to go to sleep, but cannot fall asleep. After trying for about a half hour he decides to go outside thinking this may clear his head. He is just outside the mansion when he sees someone walking toward the mansion. Being concerned of what they are doing and not wanting to alert the person to his presence he hides in the shadows and watches them. As the person gets closer (F/N) realizes it is Murayama and she is badly injured. He rushes forward to go help her. He rushes her inside the mansion to tend to her wounds. As he is not very good at this kind of thing and she is in serious condition he rushes to and wakes up Asia. As she happened to be sleeping with Issei this resulted in Rias, Akeno, Xenovia, and Issei also getting woken up. While Asia is tending to Murayama, (F/N) turns to Rias, "Do you think it is actually her or some kind of trick?" Issei overhears and says, "You bring that up now! Why bring her inside if you are not sure?" (F/N) replies, "The magical barrier will detect any spells or anything else out of place, so I figured I would be able to check for sure. If it is her I also want to help as she is my friend." Rias responds with concern on her face, "(F/N) that is definitely her. If it were a clone or something it would have been revealed as its true self by passing through the barrier when entering the mansion. I hope she recovers so I can find out what happened though."

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