Chapter 10: The Khaos Brigade Strikes

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One week later at school

Following lunch (F/N) returns to the classroom to find the perverted trio are all huddled together for some reason. Thinking that cannot be good news he decides to go and interrupt them. "What are you three talking about?" (F/N) asks. Matsuda replies, "We are just discussing our plans for after school. It is uncommon for Issei to not have to meet with his hot lady club, so we are going to take advantage." Knowing what that usually means that they are going to do, (F/N) says, "Issei is something that I need to inform Leon about going to be happening." Issei taking the hint says, "No I promise it will be nothing like that." (F/N) sighs, "Well for your sake I hope it isn't."

Time skip to after class

As soon as classes are out for the day, the perverted trio start to take off somewhere. They don't make it far as apparently Kuroka has come to the school to spend some time with Issei. (F/N) thinks, "Why would she want to spend time with Issei? Although I guess this will take care of whatever they are planning." When his two friends see that Issei has another girl living with him that is into him they get very mad. "What Issei is it not enough that you have Rias, Akeno, Asia, Koneko, Xenovia, Irina, Ravel, Mia, and Murayama living with you. You just have to find more. Well why don't you start sharing. I thought we were friends, but clearly you are keeping all the girls to yourself." "Oh are you guys jealous of Issei here? Well I mean he does sleep with five girls naked every night so I can see why you are jealous. But don't be too hard on him after all he does a great job pleasuring all of us," Kuroka says. Issei tells her, "Don't give them any weird ideas. It is bad enough how much they complain I don't need you adding onto it." Motohama has heard enough though, He says, "Come on Matsuba it looks like we need to find a new friend. This one is a big traitor." The two then leave. "Nice going Kuroka, you may have just cost me my only two human friends," Issei complains. Kuroka smiles at him, "Oh I could have done way worse. So I want you to spend the day with me." Issei says, "Why would I want to do that?" "It is simple if not I will not stop until everyone at this school avoids you," Kuroka says, giving him an evil grin.

"Well that was odd," (F/N) thinks as he heads to go meet up with the rest of his peerage. While the ORC is not meeting on this day, (F/N) still wanted all of his peerage together to talk to them all. "Alright everyone. So I gathered you here because I wanted to discuss our future plans," (F/N) says. Ravel asks, "What future plans?" "As you all know the Khaos Brigade and fallen angels are planning to unlock the seal that is on Trihexa. We need to do everything we can to prevent that from happening. Based on the growing number of Khaos Brigade members in the city as of late, they are planning something and we need to be prepared for when they strike." Irina asks, "What do you have in mind?" "First off we need to make sure that no one is traveling alone. If you are alone it is more likely they will try to attack you. Also we need to stay in contact with each other as often as possible," (F/N) says. Murayama comments, "It sounds like you expect them to be ready to attack us at any time. They have been gathering for over a week though and have not done anything. I think that we are fine." Ravel says, "It is good to be ready though. I like how you are thinking about what the enemy might try and how to counter it. I personally agree with you. It won't be too long before they make their move. What do you think their plan is though?" (F/N) replies, "My guess is they are going to try and keep us distracted here while another larger force attacks either Heaven or Hell. Of these two I would guess Heaven is the target since we know a piece of the seal on Trihexa's prison is located there." Leon asks, "Why would they even bother attacking us if they aren't targeting us?" Ravel responds, "I am guessing they would want to force reinforcements to be sent here so there are less forces to contend with in the main assault." (F/N) confirms that is what he is thinking as well. "For right now just make sure that you travel in groups of at least two so that you are better prepared if they do attack."

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