Chapter 5: Secrets of Gusion

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(F/N) is about to take Sirzechs advice and head to the vault in the castle when he hears a loud scream. He runs to find out what is going on. He sees Murayama running toward him. "What happened? Was that you who screamed?" Murayama who is breathing heavily gets out, "Huge talking lion." (F/N) goes to see what she is talking about and finds Irina and Ravel about to attack a lion that is sitting in the entrance room to the castle. The lion says in a deep booming voice, "Wait I am here to talk to Lord Gusion." Ravel yells, "LIKE HELL WE ARE LETTING YOU NEAR OUR MASTER!" She throws a ball of fire at the lion. (F/N) quickly blocks it and the girls turn and see him. "Why did you protect this creature?" Ravel yells at him. "He is probably here to hurt you."

Lion: "I would never hurt any member of the House of Gusion. They are my revived masters."

(F/N): "I apologize for my servants. I was just recently informed that there are talking animals in my domain who serve me. I didn't get the chance to tell them."

Irina: "Wait a second (F/N) there are more talking animals in this place."

Lion: "Yes there are hundreds of us all answering to Lord Gusion. I take it you young man are the current head of the Gusion family."

(F/N): "That is correct I am."

Lion: "It is nice to meet you. I am Ralitic. I am the leader of the lion pride in your area."

(F/N): "I am glad to have gotten the chance to meet with such a high ranking lion."

Ralitic: "No, there is no need for modesty. You are the impressive one here. I heard from the devil Sirzechs how your parents took you into hiding fearing the fallen angels would hunt you down. They never told you who you were and that devils even existed. I then heard you got abducted by some rogue devil Roderick. To think such a weakly could force a Gusion into slavery. It is despicable."

(F/N): "I had no idea who I was until recently."

Ralitic: "Naturally that would have to be the case otherwise you would have probably liquefied Roderick the moment you saw him. How did you find out that you were a Gusion?"

(F/N): "It was more like I was told about it. At one point I was fighting against Roderick and managed to open some kind of dimensional hole and throw things out of it, that I am guessing were from when I was a baby."

Ralitic: "Incredible. I have only heard rumors of one Gusion that could do that. It is said the legendary devil Mammon Gusion was able to do that same thing. In all the recorded history that the owls in your domain keep, containing over 100,000 years in human time he is the only one to have ever possessed such a skill."

(F/N): "I suppose that is why Sirzechs looked deeper into who I was and was able to put together that I was a member of the House of Gusion."

Ralitic: "Do you have any siblings or other relatives?"

(F/N): "Sadly I don't. To my knowledge I am the last living member of the house."

Ralitic: "Well as long as you are here I will make sure that you remain safe. All of the animals of your domain will protect you with their very lives."

(F/N): "May I ask you something."

Ralitic: "Anything you desire, if I may help with it I will."

(F/N): "Do you know how the animals in this domain were given the ability to talk?"

Ralitic: "Many believe that it is the result of Mammon Gusion himself blessing us with such an ability. Using extremely powerful magic it is said that he gave all the animals in his domain the ability to speak, so that they could better serve him."

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