Chapter 3

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Hi Guys!  Glad to see people are reading my stories!


It's been 3 weeks since Hiccup and the other humans found me.  I have recovered almost completely and have grow stronger everyday.  They feed me fish and have dragons hold me still while they put this mush that smells like grass on my wounds.  Normally, they just quickly feed me and cover my wounds then lock the pen door.  Ugh, I really need to get out and fly.  But today was different.  

The twin humans, who's names I figured out were Tuffnut and Ruffnut, came to feed me and cover my wounds.  But I also figured out they were not particullarly smart.  Tuffnut came into the cage.

"Hehe, try to touch her Tuff." Ruffnut said to her brother.

He stalked toward me with a funny look on his face.  I watched him get closer and closer.  Little did he know they left the cage door open ajar.  

As he reached out to me, I bolted and shoved open the door.  I accidentally knocked over Ruff and their Zippleback.  I searched for an exit as the twins tried to get me back into the cage.  I didn't see any way out and paniced.  The twins yelled for help and, to my dissapointment, it came.  Astrid and her nadder, Snotlout and his nightmare, and Fishlegs and his gronkle came to the resuce.  Astrid and Fishlegs came quickly into the  arena while Snotlout ran to get Hiccup.  They had me surrounded and cornered.  I tried flying over them, but fell back down because of my tail.  Suddenly, Hiccup and his Night Fury, who's name I figured out to be Toothless, rushsed into the arena.  All the dragons had me cornered and Hiccup told everyone to leave the arena, including Toothless.  In just a few moments, it was just me and Hiccup.  I growled but he stood his ground.  He looked me in the eyes.  I stared back.

"Huh, ya know girl, I still haven't named you.  I think I'll call you Northstar."

I cocked my head.  He's right.  I never had a name.  I liked it.  Maybe this human was so bad after all.  I was still cautious but I was starting to trust him.  I noticed he looked to the gorund and put out his hand.  I knew he was asking if I trusted him yet.  I leaned forward, centimeters from his hand.  I blew a small puff of air and backed away.  I can't trust him yet.  THat would take time.  I noticed Hiccup"s father watching us with wide eyes.  He yelled down to Hiccup.

"Um, Hiccup, what does the scar on the dragon's side say?"

Hiccup examined my side.  "Uh, D-R-A-G-O, Drago?"  He yelled back.

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