Chapter 13

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Well, its been four days since Toothless' and my date. Lets just say, we had some extra fun.

I was talking to Stormfly about how to invite more dragons to Berk.

''So I think we should start on Dragon Island, then go to Changewing Island, and-" I cut Stormfly off.

''No, the Changewings will-'' I moaned a little in pain.

''Northstar, are you okay?'' Stormfly asked.

I moaned in pain again then fell to the ground, and curled into a ball. The pain was in my lower stomatch and I felt nauseated. Stormfly called for Toothless and in seconds he was by my side.

''Northstar, baby, what's wrong?'' He asked, obviously concerned. I moaned and pointed as best I could to my stomach. Toothless roared for Hiccup and he came running. He knelt down and examined me. He turned to Stormfly and Astrid, who must have heard all the comotion.

''Go get Gothi and Gobber!'' She nodded and flew away to find the two.

All I could do was lay there and moan. Fortunately, the pain decreased a little.

Ten minutes later, Gobber and Gothi were examining me, touching my stomach and around it. Gothi turned to the rest of the group, which now consisted of the other dragon riders and most of the village. She used her staff to draw some symbols in the ground. Gobber read them and agreed. He turned to the group.

''Hiccup, Northstar...... she's pregnant. '' my jaw dropped and so did Toothless'. Im gonna be a mom!

I looked to Toothless and he nuzzled me. Gothi wote some more symbols in the ground. Gobber anounced what they said. ''She's gonna have seven babies!''

''Seven!'' Toothless exclaimed. I smiled and looked to my belly. Toothless licked my cheek and said, ''I love you.''


Thank you guys for all the reads, almost 500 of them! I am truely blown away! And there is much more to come with the birth of the babies. So I need some names from you guys. I already have 3 names so I need four more! Comment some below. Thx.

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