Chapter 11

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Cold. Thats all I felt as the ice pressed against my back and wings. I felt Hiccup panting below me. I heard Valka's and Toothless' voice faintly outside, but couldn't make out what they were saying. There was however, one thing I could make out....Drago's deep laugh. I dont know what it was , but something snapped. Everything that has happened in the past few months flashed through my mind. An anger welled up inside me and I felt my spine, tail fin, nose, and even the back of my throut burn a little.

I shot a plasma blast at the ice surrounding us and it blew apart. I heard everyone in the village gasp. I looked at my reflection in the ice and saw I was glowing. My nostrals and throut burned a bright blue. My tail fin was a deep green and my spine was a magnificant blueish green. All the collors resembled my eyes.

I turned to the alpha and roared. I looked down to Hiccup and he smiled and nodded. I turned around and jumped up to the nearst ice spike and looked the Alpha in the eye.

I let out a mighty roar, ''LETS FINISH WHAT WE STARTED!''

He roared back, ''Step away and I will not kill you!''

I growled, ''Never again will I bow to you.'' With that I shot plasma blast after plasma blast. I noticed the other dragons had regained control of themselves. I jumped down so I was in front of Hiccup. I raored to the other dragons, askig them to come and help me. Drago climbed back on the Alpha. I looked to Hiccup and he got on my back.

I flew up to the same spike of ice and Hiccup began, ''See! This is what it means to earn a dragon's loyalty,'' he gestured to the dragons behind me, ''Let this end, now!'' Drago panted, ''Never!'' He yelled at the alpha. I turned my head a little toward the dragons behind me. ''Ready!'' I shot one plasma blast and the other dragons followed suit. I stood watching as the Alpha was bombarded with fire. After a few moments of this, the Alpha raised his head and roared at me.

''THIS ENDS NOW!'' He yelled.

''WITH A NEW ALPHA!" I roared back.

I took a deep breath and shot the loudest and most powerful blast I had ever done. I heard a sickening crack and the Alphas tusk landed on the ground. He roared in pain and bowed his head.

''I AM THE NEW ALPHA. YOU SHALL BOW TO ME AND NEVER RETURN!'' I added a snort for good measure.

He looked down, ''Yes...yes alpha.''

I felt Hiccups hand on my head, ''the alpha protects them all.'' With that, the ex-alpha dove into the water, taking Drago with him. Hiccup and I flew down and Dragons began to surrund me, but I was no longer afraid. Cloudjumper stood in front of me and Toothless by his side. Hy bowed, as did the rest of the dragons. I smiked and walked to Toothless.

''Toothless?'' He looked up to me. ''Never bow to me, I am your equal.'' He gave me a gummy smile and we roared together, as did the other dragons. Hiccup walked over to me.

''Northstar.... you are one amazing dragon.'' I put my forehead to his then watched as dragons reunited with their humans. Astrid walked over and talked to Hiccup.

''See? I told you it was in here.'' She pressed a button on his suit and a back wing popped up. Huh, interesting, I'll ask Toothless about it later. They kissed but were interupted by and older lady. She siganled something to Hiccup and he kelt down. She took some ash and drew something on his forehead. None of us could see it becuase of Hiccups hair.

Gobber smiled, ''The chief has come home!'' Everyone cheered and us dragons shot fire into the air.

Looks like Berk's got two new alphas.


Dont worry peeps, it doesn't end here. Im gonna go into moee between Toothless and Northstar. And thx for all the reads almost 400 of em! AMAZING!

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