Chapter 10

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Before the chapter I just want to say, this was written by MuffinTime_owo , I only edited, that's it. Plz go check out their account they have helped me with other things like chapter ideas and book covers so go give them a follow if u can :)


I leave Zelk's place, happy to get a break from all this madness. Though despite being able to relax for a while, I can't help but feel scared about a few things. Who broke in last night? If they knew we had powers are any of us really gonna get a break or are they just gonna be able to pick us off one by one instead? My concerns aren't really about me since with my powers I can fight back easily but what about Darryl? He's important to the group but he can't do shit in combat. He's a healer after all.

My head is clouded with thoughts and I eventually end up passing my house without realizing. I look around and realize I was just walking around aimlessly. This place is eerily quiet and I freeze in position to listen, holding my breath and not moving a muscle in hopes to hear better.

I hear shuffling and whispers that I don't understand. I take a cautious step back, keeping my eyes on the open area in front of me. I slowly turn around and start walking home, very slowly as to still be able to hear well. Just then I hear a footstep behind me and I just book it. I'm running, I don't know where to but I know it's away from there. I slow down and see several people looking at me like I'm crazy. I spin around, looking at every place that anyone couls possibly be hiding but... no one. It makes me wonder if maybe that was all in my head?

I sigh, deciding not to think too much more about it since I know I'm not gonna get an answer. I check google maps then head back to my house and walk in to see my sister there.

"Why were you gone so long?" She asks, not even bothering to look at me.

"I was just busy." I head over to my room, not bothering to say another word to her. I don't know if she said anything more and I don't care. I just wanna relax in my bed, I probably won't get another chance like this for a while.

Darryl pov

I make it home and flop down into my bed. It's been half an hour and I already miss them all so much. Vin, Zelk, Finn, Techno. but most of all... Zak. I feel like I can relax around him. I know I'm safe when I'm with him. And I know he's safe. Now that we're apart I just can't help but worry about him. I don't know any way to contact him so I can't check if he's safe and I have no idea when we'll get called back again.

I sigh and walk out of my room. Maybe a walk outside would help me clear my mind. I walk along the sidewalk, keeping my eyes focused on a pebble that I kick along the ground. Cars zoom past me causing my hair to get all messed up but it's not like it matters. I keep walking aimlessly, just going where my legs take me. It's like I'm not really in control. But that's okay. I feel the familiar scent of coffee enter my nose and I look up to see that I somehow ended up at the cafe I usually go to. I mean, I guess if I'm here I might as well go in!

Once I walk in the place I go up to the counter and order my coffee. I then for it to be made and take a seat. A weird person keeps looking up at me suspiciously which makes me uncomfortable. What does he want? Does he know I have powers? Is he against powers and secretly following me around just to capture me when I'm alone and murder me? It seems as if everything fades out and I can feel anxiety bubbling in my chest. I try and tell myself that what I'm thinking is ridiculous but I just have this gut feeling that it's not.

The person working gives me my coffee and I sit down alone to drink it. The weird person continues to look up at me which makes me far too scared to leave. I don't care if I have to be here for hours, I'm not leaving till he leaves. He looks up again and this time we make eye contact. I keep staring into his eyes, making no effort to hide my emotions. I make sure that my eyes show exactly what I want them to show. I want him to be scared. I want him to think I'm stronger than I actually am. I want to show that I know what he's planning at that he's not gonna get away with it. Neither of us want to break the eye contact. The man stands up and heads out the door. I keep my eyes on him through the big window and watch him drive away in his car. I sigh, finish up my coffee and head home. Now that random people know what we can do... What's next?

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