Chapter 12

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It totally hasn't been 2 months since I've posted hahahahhaaha (I'm sorry)


I walked into the room that me and Finn shared and sat down on my bed. Was I hallucinating? Is Techno right? Am I going crazy?

Maybe it's because of stress, things have been kind of stressful lately. Or maybe I just didn't get enough sleep. That could be it.

I fell back, laying down on the bed. I don't want to talk to any of the other right now, I just want to be alone. I should probably take a nap, based on what happened earlier I probably need the extra sleep, there's nothing better to do anyway.


I opened my eyes, looking up at a familiar white ceiling. I rubbed my eyes, yawning, before doing a double take and looking at my surroundings. I sat up quickly, I was at my house, in my bedroom.

How did I get here?

I wasn't in the same outfit I fell asleep in. I looked around, confused at what had happened. Did one of them take me home? That doesn't explain the outfit change. Maybe I'm just dreaming.

I pinched myself lightly- that's what people do to see if they're dreaming right? How does that even work? Can you not pinch yourself in dreams?

I'm getting side tracked, I need to figure out what's going on.

I grabbed my phone from off my dresser. How did it get there? I shook my head lightly, who cares, at least I have my phone. I went to call Finn but his number wasn't there, it was just gone. I searched my contacts once again, seeing if I missed it, but it was no where to be found

I turned off my phone sat back down. Was that all just a dream? Did none of that really happen? Did I never actually meet any of them?

What the fuck.

Anddd that is the end of the book guys, there is going to be an epilogue after this- jkjk there will be another chapter coming soonnn

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