Chapter 1

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I stared at the lightning bolt on my wrist as I sat in bed. I made a fist, causing sparks to fly out from my hand. Suddenly, my sister, Vanessa, walked in, "Zak, I told you to stop using your powers!"

I sighed and stopped, opening my hand, "Whats so wrong with doing that?"

"You need to be normal." She said, "And that is not normal."

"What if I don't want to be normal?" I asked.

"Then I'll make you." She stated, walking out.

I sighed, my sister and I live together. She agreed to look after me until I turned 18. She doesn't want me around because she wants a normal family. But that's not going to happen with me around, so she stops me from using my powers at every opportunity she gets.

Sometimes I wonder if there's anyone else like me out there. Maybe there's someone else in the world, like me, with powers. Maybe I'm not as weird as I think.

There's no real explanation as to why I have powers, and I guess I'll never know. I can't tell if my powers are a curse or a gift.

I suddenly felt a dizzying feeling come over me. I rubbed my eyes and pain erupted in my head, I saw words appear in my mind.

Meet at the corner of 6th Avenue
Come immediately
There's no time to waste

The pain faded and I opened my eyes once again.

What was that?

How is that even possible?

Was that someone using their powers?

I must be going crazy.

I wanted to ignore it and assume it was just my imagination. But I knew it wasn't, I had to figure out what was going on. I stood up and quickly slipped on a hoodie. I walked out of my room and down the stairs.

"I'm going out with some friends!" I yelled as I walked out the front door, closing it behind me.

I ran down the side walk, 6th Avenue was only a few blocks away from where I lived. I should be able to get there in a few minutes.

Vincent POV

I stood there looking at Zelk.

"Do you think any of them will come?" I asked him.

"At least a few of them have to come." He replied, "There's no way they would all ignore that."

I nodded, "You're right."

But what if they don't come?

What if our plan gets ruined?

"Stop it, don't think about it too much." Zelk said, basically reading my mind, although that was my power.

Thanks to my powers we were able to figure out who else had powers, but not what powers they had. We have a big problem and we didn't know who else to ask for help. It turns out we all lived in the same area, so it must be fate or something, right?

I heard footsteps approaching us.

Darryl POV

Oh my goodness, I thought, I can't believe I'm doing this.

They could be killers for all I know.

What if they are trying to use me for my powers?

I spotted two people at the end of the road. I slowed down slightly as I approached them. One of them turned towards me and smiled, "Hey."

I slowed to a walk and stepped towards them, "Are you guys the ones who did that?"

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